Gulmira Galievа
Academic degree : Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Post: teacher lecturer
- 1987year. Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute
- Specialty:Pediatrics
- The topic of the doctoral dissertation:: “Improving the organization of emergency medical care for children (on the example of Taldykorgan)»
Certificate of honor for many years of excellent work in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, with the 50th anniversary of the certificate.
Certificate of honor “Nur Otan” People’s Democratic Party for the day “Ustaz kuni”.
Scientific works
1) Actual problems of social hygiene at the present stage. Kazakhstan Respublikasynyң 20 zhyldyқ tәuelsіzdіgіne arnalғan halyқaralyқ ғylymi- tәzhіribelіk Conference Materialdary. Taldykorgan 2011.
2) Pedagogical technologies winning the use on tendency educating. “My Kazakhstan:, Passed, today’s, future”
International ғылыми- experience materials of conference. 18-19 of May, Taldykorgan 2011.
3) The use of information technology in the teaching of medical disciplines cycle. International scientific and practical conference
“Modern technologies of teaching in higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarov Almaty 2011.
4) Innovative technologies in teaching biomedical disciplines. International scientific and practical conference.
“Modern technologies of teaching in higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic Kazahstan.KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarovag. Almaty 2011.
5) Preparation of the juice from the leaves “mug gladkosemennogo” and the definition of its toxicity. “The young scientist» № 11 (46) 2012.
6) On the singularities of uptake of ambulance and emergency medical care of the child population of Taldykorgan
“The young scientist» № 11 (46) 2013.
7) Sexual to give education some is questions. International scientific and practical conference of Forward – Khmelnitsky 2013.
8) Organization ambulance and trends of its dynamics in Kazakhstan. “The young scientist» № 7 (46) 2013.
9) Ways of improving the activity of emergency medical care and interactions with other medical organizations. SCIENCE AND WORLD. Interational scientific iournal №3 (3), 2013
10) Organization ambulance and trends of its dynamics in Kazakhstan. “The young scientist» № 7 (46) 2013.
11) The relevance of military law at the present stage of development of Bachelor CWP. International scientific and practical conference ZhSU them. I.Zhansugurova 2014
12) The essential characteristic skorostno- power qualities in football. Materials science and practical conference “Zhansugurovskie reading.” Taldykorgan.