1. FULL NAME ___________________________________________________________
  2. Place of work _________________________________________________________
  3. Specialty (by diploma)_____________________________________________
  4. What difficulties did you find yourself insufficiently prepared for work?                 _______________________________________________________________________
  5. What did you have to learn on your own while working?



  1. What disciplines should be paid more attention to during training in ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov (allocate additional hours, special courses, seminars, etc.)?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. What additional disciplines would you recommend to include in the university curriculum?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. What forms and methods of teaching at the university are the most effective? And the most ineffective?




  1.  What would you like to change in the system of training specialists?



  1.  What do you think, what should the management of the university pay attention to in order to improve the quality of training of specialists? (Underline whatever applicable):

А) for theoretical training;

Б) for methodological training;

В) on the formation of professional and personal qualities;

Г) at the level of mastery of innovative methods and techniques;

Д) on communicative qualities.

  1. In your opinion, does the list of specialties for which the university trains meet the needs of the region? If not, what specialties do you consider the most in demand today?


  1. Are you going to continue your studies in a master’s (doctoral) program? If so, at which university?

