Human resources and documentation department
The main goal of the activities of the Department is:
– to promote the development of high qualifications, increased responsibility for the performance of official duties of university employees.
– organization, maintenance and improvement of the system of documentation support;
– observance of the rules that ensure the legal force of documents, their compliance with the current legislation, correctness of execution, quality of content.
- Carrying out work on recruiting the university with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the profile of the university, changing external and internal conditions of its activities, the formation and maintenance of a database on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, their development and movement;
- Implementation of systematic work to create a reserve for nomination on the basis of such organizational forms as business career planning, rotational movement of managers and specialists, advanced training in relevant positions;
- Management, control, coordination of work on documentation support of office work, improvement of forms and methods of working with documents;
- Participation in the development, implementation and improvement of the electronic document management system;
- Organization of work with outgoing and incoming correspondence;
- Ensuring control over the execution of administrative documents;
- Accounting for the volume of document flow;
- Organization of methodological assistance in working with documents in the structural divisions of the University;
- Organization and improvement of the work of the departmental archive of the university;
- Organization of the use and storage of documentary materials;
- Ensuring the development of the nomenclature of cases for structural divisions;
- Issue of archival copies and documents that make up the necessary references for information, as well as responses to requests and keep records of them.
- Selection and placement of personnel in accordance with the current staffing table;
- Registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of university employees of all categories, according to the staffing table;
- Provision of work on the maintenance and storage of documentation in accordance with the current instructions and guidelines;
- Advising university staff on issues identified by the job descriptions of specialists from the personnel management department;
- Preparation of the necessary documents for the presentation of employees for the award;
- Registration, reception and sending of incoming and outgoing correspondence;
- Registration and distribution of internal documents (Decisions and resolutions of the Academic Council and the Management Board (Rector's office));
- Ensuring control over the execution of documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, university management, applications of citizens and requests of legal entities;
- Ensuring the safety of human resources and documentation department's documents;
- Receiving, registering and sending registered and express mail;
- Ensuring control over the correct formation, storage and timely submission of cases to the archive;
- Development of the nomenclature of cases;
- Issuance of archived information, responses to requests, and their accounting;
- Reception from structural divisions, organization of storage and ensuring the safety of documentary materials received in the archive.
Bektasova Gulmira Kabdoldanova
Head of Human resources and documentation department
+7 (7282) 22-00-51 (1160)
Alpysbaeva Aigul Shokanovna
Leading specialist
+7 (7282) 22-21-94 (1127)