Аbraimov Hosai Kasymovish

Academic degree: candidate Historical sciense

Position: associate Professor


Information about higher education:

Institution: Kazakh National University al-Farabi

Specialty: journalism

Graduation year: 1985

Qualification: Journalist


Information about the academic degree:

Academic degree: candidate Historical sciense

Institution: Kazakh National University al-Farabi

Specialty: Military history

Assignment year: 2010

Qualification: Historian


5 state awards-medals

“Kurmet belgici” Council of Veterans of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2 Honorary Certificates of Deputies of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific study

  1. Life of higher and secondary schools. 2 February 2015 Almaty 44-47. “Moral education of young people on the examples of the history and tradition of the Kazakh people»
  2. Collection of materials of the Republican interuniversity scientific and practical conference. “Problems and prospects of development of Kazakhstan’s society in the light of the tasks of the Address of the head of State” Kazakhstan’s way-2050: Common goal, common interests, common future ” Almaty 2015 p. 128-134.
  3. Collection of materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference “550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate and 70th anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 “” Contribution of Kazakhstanis to the Great victory.”Almaty 2015 p.
  4. Historical and documentary book ” Soldiers of victory. Kazakhstan during the great Patriotic war ” Almaty p. 184. Two thousand fifteen
  5. The book” one Victory for all “published Chapter 6:” the Contribution of Kazakhstan to the Great Victory ” p. 180-230. Moscow 2015 Moscow printing house No. 2.
  6. VS-RK: history of formation of historical and artistic book. Almaty Kazuu (2016-2018zhzh). -270 BB.
  7. From Saks and Huns to Kazakhs.Almaty Kazuu (2010-2017zhzh).-285 BB
  8. Religion and youth. Science and life in Kazakhstan. No. 6 (66) 2018