Scientific Research Institute of Biotechnology and Ecology
Our ultimate goal is conducting the fundamental and applied research studies to address urgent challenges of sustainable development and conservation of natural resources of the region and Kazakhstan, as well as the development of new biological solutions and technologies for the food industry and agriculture.
- The Research Institute of Biotechnology and Ecology at the I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University is an important link in the scientific community and performs a number of tasks aimed at finding and developing innovative solutions in the field of biotechnology and ecology, including:
- Development of new methods of biotechnological treatment of plants to increase their yield, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as improve product quality;
- Development, production and use of new highly active strains of microorganisms in food industry;
- Understanding the genetic control of adaptation and grain yield for several economic crops, specifically wheat, development of mapping populations for various crops, development of recombinant lines to identify polymorphisms in loci, improvement of approaches to plant breeding, identification of allelic variability of crops and development of technologies for microclonal reproduction of rare plant species;
- Creation and implementation of biotechnological processes and devices for the production of biologically active substances, food and other products;
- Research of ecosystems and biological diversity in order to protect their sustainability and improve the condition of natural objects in the Zhetysu Region;
- Space monitoring of natural processes and environmental phenomena in the Zhetysu region, the influence of climatic conditions on the development of vegetation and irrigated farming systems for the introduction of a landscape-adapted farming system (ALSZ), installation of an online application for space monitoring and assessment of humidity on the soil surface and in the root zone, based on the ratio of the volume of moisture in the soil and the total volume of soil;
- Installation of multifunctional digital platforms (for example: EOS, LandViewer, Group Monitoring, Analytics-Time series, Monitoring, etc.) to stabilize the environmental situation in order to save resources, time and funding, make decisions and other forecasts;
- Processing of spatial and temporal data on the level of degradation of vegetation cover, based on tracking the dynamics of the long-term value of the normalized differentiated vegetation index (NDVI), on the level of degradation and soil erosion based on tracking the dynamics of the value of the transformed soil vegetation index (TSAVI);
- Processing of spatial and temporal data of drought and aridity of the climate, based on tracking the dynamics of the long-term value of the normalized differentiated soil moisture index (NDWI), as well as snow cover data, based on tracking the dynamics of the long-term value of the normalized differentiated snow index (NDSI).
- The Institute of Biotechnology and Ecology of Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov is engaged in high-quality and innovative research in various fields of biotechnology and ecology.
- In its activities, the Institute strives to create a strong scientific base, attract outstanding scientists and teachers, as well as cooperate with leading international and national organizations and the business sector.
- The Institute endeavors to resolve important scientific problems such as environmental protection, increasing agricultural productivity, and also works on innovative solutions that contribute to the environmentally sustainable development of the region.
- Our institute plays an important role in the development of biotechnology and ecology, and strives for continuous improvement of our scientific capabilities and competence in order to be at the head of advanced research in the field of agricultural biotechnology and ecology and take an active part in shaping the future of this industry.
sphere of activi
- The Scientific Research Institute of Biotechnology and Ecology is engaged in research and development of new methods and technologies in the field of plant molecular breeding, biotechnology and ecology, contributing to the technological, economic, social and cultural development of the region and Kazakhstan. The Institute is scientifically and practically responsible for performing specific functions for targeting tasks related to all aforementioned areas.
September - October, 2020

Certificates of professional development on the following topics: «Менеджмент в образовании» (72 hours), «Қашықтан оқыту жағдайында білім беру үрдісін ұйымдастыру» (36 hours).

Baimyrzayev Kuat
Internal: 8 (7282) 22-21-23 (1142)