Sergey Sochin
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Position: teacher lecturer
- 1990 year. Taldy-Kurgan pedagogical Institute named after I. DzhansugurovBasic military training and physical education
South Kazakhstan state University named after Auezova
- Certificate of honor of the Minister of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Certificate Of honor of the akim of Almaty region
- Certificate Of honor of the rector of Zhetysu state University
- Excellence in education
Scientific works
- Military-Patriotic education: essence, content, system “Vestnik” of ZhSU. Zhansugurova, No. 4, Taldykorgan, 2011,
- The problem of military-Patriotic education of Materialists for the VIII international scientific practical conference, “Dynamikata na sremennata Nauka”, July 2012. Volume 6. Pedagogical Sciences. Sofia. “Byal GRAD-BG” OOD. 2012.,
- Fighting traditions of the Kazakh people – the basis of military-Patriotic education of the future teacher. Materials of the magazine “Young scientist” (No. 9(44), Russia, Chita, September 2012.
- Combat traditions of the Kazakh people as a means of military-Patriotic education of young people. XIII international scientific and practical conference “Modern concepts of scientific research”, Moscow, Russia, 29-30. 04. 2015.
- Psychological analysis of social advertising impact on the harm of smoking. International Journal of Psychology International Union of Psychological science Impact Factor: 1.276 ISSN: 0020-7594 eiSSN:1464-066X Special Issue: 31st International Congress of Psychology, July 24-29 2016, Yokohama, Japan CP:843.
- Influence of physical activity on the health and well-being of students. Scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of physical education” No. 4 (49), Almaty 2017
- Aesthetic education of students in the process of physical education and sport scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of physical education” No. 4 (49), Almaty 2017
- Military traditions of the Kazakh people in the military-Patriotic education of students “Рухани жаңғыру: патриотттық тәрбие берудің теориясы мен әдістемесі”. Almaty. ONON. 2018. 320 p.
- Pedagogical influence by means of physical education on children with autism spectrum disorders. International scientific journal “Science and life of Kazakhstan” No. 4 (60) Astana 2018
- Wars and armed conflicts: causes and ways of escape. Electronic scientific journal “Forum of young scientists”. RSCI of the electronic library on the basis of the Appendix to the agreement No. 1 to the agreement No. 594-09 / 2013 of 26.09.2013. ISSN 2500-4050 Issue No. 6 (22) (June, 2018).
- Pedagogical conditions for creating a model of a future specialist from children and adolescents with physical and sports training. SCIENCE and EDUCATION International Centre for Scientific Cooperation. “Modern education: current issues, achievements and innovations” the city of Penza. Date: 25 April 2019
- On the basics of preparing students for work in the conditions of active functioning of three languages. International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology of primary education in a multiethnic environment”. Date: April 24-April 26, 2019. Republic Of Dagestan, Russia. eLibrary.ru, RSCI.