Production of saplings of rare wild fruit species of Zhetysu Alatau by vegetative reproduction

The aim of the project is to produce seedlings of rare wild-fruited species of Zhetysu Alatau by preserving the unique biological diversity, forming collection plantings and creating a nursery for the production of fruit products and vegetative reproduction for consumers working in the field of green urban planning.


Project objectives:

1. to develop a technological process of green cuttings of wild plants belonging to the group of easily rooted and medium-sized plants for propagation by green cuttings. The technological process of gardening of wild-fruited plants is being developed and implemented, and seedlings for reproduction in the amount of at least 20 specimens of each species are taken in the nursery. Regulation of the process of collecting the necessary raw materials.

2. obtaining a pure culture and reproduction of microclone by wild fruit plants belonging to the group of hard-to-root plants. Technologies of microclonal reproduction of wild fruit plant species are being developed, pure culture is taken, microclimatization is carried out and seedlings for reproduction in the amount of at least 50 specimens of each species are taken in the nursery.

3. conducting marketing research of the sales market, identifying consumers and concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of the received products.

4. Construction and organization of a nursery of wild fruit plants, including at least 7 rare species, in accordance with consumer orders.

5. ensuring the annual production of seedlings

The developed and tested technologies of kalemization of wild rare species and reproduction of microclones provide the basis for their reproduction for the preservation of the gene pool, the formation of collection plantings, use in the production of fruit products, green urban planning. A nursery will be built and a collection of wild-fruited rare plants will be created, including at least 7 species (Sivers apple, Nedzvetsky Apple, common apricot, Almaty hawthorn, Jungar hawthorn, or iskra, Tianshan mountain ash, Ili barberry, Meyer currant, etc.).


Expected results. Genetically identical (1-3-year-old) seedlings of rare wild-fruited species of Zhetysu Alatau will be obtained for reproduction of at least 7 species in the nursery by methods of obtaining pure culture, microclonal reproduction, cuttings.

Seedlings of rare wild-fruited species serve as the basis for the reproduction and preservation of the gene pool, the formation of collectible plantings, the production of fruit products of rare wild-fruited plants and use in landscaping (Sivers apple, Nedzvetsky apple, common apricot, Almaty hawthorn, Jungar hawthorn, or iskra, Tianshan mountain ash, Ili barberry, Meyer currant, etc.)

The market of the Zhetysu region has been studied by necessity and the implementation of pre-planned products. At present, agreements have been concluded with the Altyn-Emel State Scientific and Industrial Enterprise, the Dzungar-Alatau State Scientific and Creative Cooperation, including the organization of measures for the conservation and restoration of unique species of the Zhetysu Alatau. Agreements have also been concluded with gardeners, fruit nurseries for the sale of seedlings obtained as rootstock, with organizations for landscaping settlements (IP Bagym, IP G4, IP 7-SU).


Project manager: BAKHTAULOVA ALEFTINA SEMBAYEVNA. Since 21.01.2021, member of the Board – Vice-rector for Scientific Work of I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University. Author of more than 60 scientific papers, including 10 publications – Scopus, 7 – Web of Science and, COXNVO -8, RSCI – 24 articles, international conferences – 6, books – 6, patents-4, monographs-4.

Certificate-basic course on the basics of entrepreneurship, Business incubator Moscow, 02.04.2018; Certificate-Seminar and training”Organization of research activities and international cooperation” (72 hours), Almaty, 29.05.2021, Certificate (00521/NR-0012/3); Management in education: trends and quality (72 hours), Almaty, 14.12.2021, Certificate (001121 / GR-005/3).


Project executors:

– KARASHOLAKOVA LAZZAT NAUSHABAEVNA is a leading researcher. The Hirsch index: based on Scopus 3, based on Web of Science-2. Scopus Author ID: 56150915900; Researcher ID: a-9903-2015; ORCID: 0000-0003-1476-2463.

– AIGERIM KAMBAROVA-researcher. ORCID 0000-0003-1317-5080 profile link ?orcid=0000-0003-1317-5080


– ZAKIRULY OLZHAS is a specialist in commercialization.



Scientific internships and professional development

1. Bakhtaulova A., Oksikbayev B., Atabayeva A., Ukusheva T., KanagatovaA. Technology of Malus Sieversii softwood cuttingfor conservation of wild fruit forests on theterritory of Zhongar-Alatau National Park in Kazakhstan PP-APR12-022Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 305S (2019) S56–S57

2. Bakhtaulova A., Abdildauly, A., Ukusheva, T.K., Atabayeva, A.M. Structure of the radial parenchyma of annual shoots of wild species of Tian-Shan mountainash (Sorbus tianschanica Rupr.) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 677(4), 042045 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/677/4/042045

3. Bakhtaulova A., R K Karipbayeva Cytostructure of the radial parenchyma of annual shoots of wild species of Meyer’s currant (Ribes Meyeri Maxim.) AGRITECH-III-2020 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 548 (2020) 072021 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/548/7/072021

1. Карашолакова Л. Н., Кушнаренко С. В., Мухитдинова З. Р., Мухитдинов Н. М.Илийская Искра (Lonicera iliensis Pojark.) особенности размножения растений клоном и биологического роста семян // Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая. – 2011. – № 6 (52). – С. 120-123. КОКСОН

2. Kushnarenko S.V., Aralbaeva M.M., Karasholakova L.N., Romadanova N.V., Krasavin V.F., Rakhimbaev I.R. Establishing in vitro shoot culture of potato for cryogenic bank development in Kazakhstan // Abstracts of 15th European Congress on Biotechnology, Istanbul, Turkey, September 23-26, 2012. – P. 191. WoSQ1

3. Кушнаренко С. В., Карашолакова Л. Н., Абидкулова к. т. Сохранение ex situ редкого и исчезающего казахстанского вида Lonicera iliensis // Plant biology and biotechnology international conference. Almaty, May 28-30, 2014. P. 262.

4. Kushnarenko S.V., Karasholakova L.N.,Romadanova N.V.Ex situplant conservation biotechnology in Kazakhstan // Abstracts of 17th European Congress on Biotechnology, Lecce, Italy, 15-18 May, 2014. S30.WoSQ2

5.Ромаданова Н. В., Мишустина С. А., Карашолакова Л. Н., Аралбаева М. М., Кабулова Ф. Д. Абидкулова К. Т., Кушнаренко С. В. Введение в культуру in vitro дикорастущих видов Berberis флоры Казахстана и Узбекистана // Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая. – Алматы, 2015. –№ 3 (65). – С. 346-354. КОКСОН

6. Romadanova N.V., Mishustina S.A., Karasholakova L.N., Reed B.M., Kushnarenko S.V Creation of an in vitro collection of Berberis spp // International conference on “New approaches in biotechnology and biosciences”. Agra, India, 2016 – – Р. 10.

7. Romadanova N.V., Mishustina S.A., Karasholakova L.N., Reed B.M., Kushnarenko S.V. In vitro collection of cultivars and wild forms of Berberis spp for creation the cryobank // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2016. – V. 231. – P. S39. (Abstracts of European Biotechnology Congress, Riga, Latvia, 05-07 May 2016). WoSQ2

8. Ромаданова Н. В., Мишустина С. А., Карашолакова Л. Н., Аралбаева М. М., Рахимбаев И. Р., Кушнаренко С. В. Создание коллекций in vitro дикорастущих видов Berberis sp. // Бюллетень Государственного Никитского ботанического сада №121. – 2016 г.-С. 69-76.

9. Кушнаренко С. В., Ромаданова Н. В., Карашолакова Л. Н., Мишустина С. А., Аралбаева М. М., Жоламанова С. Ж., Рахимбаев И. Р. Усовершенные протоколы криоконсервации апикальных меристем для создания криобанки генетических ресурсов растений / / материал VII Международной научной- практической конференции, посвященной 30-летию отделения биотехнологии подтвержденного Никитского ботанического сада. 2016. С. 152-153. РИНЦ

10. Romadanova N., Kushnarenko S., Karasholakova L. Development of a common PVS2 vitrification method for cryopreservation of several fruit and vegetable crops//In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant. – 2017. Volume 53, Issue 4, – P. 382–393. DOI 10.1007/s11627-017-9849-y. Scopus 51 процентиль, WoSQ2

11. Ромаданова Н. В., Серадж Н. А., Нурманов М. М., Карашолакова Л. Н. Введение в культуру in vitro дикорастущей яблони Malus sieversii / поиски, результаты – исследование, результаты. – 2017. № 3 (75). – С. 103-110. КОКСОН

12. Romadanova N.V., Mishustina S.A., Karasholakova L.N., Kushnarenko S.V. Optimization of barberry micropropagation and cryopreservation // 2nd International Conference Plant Cells In Vitro: Fundamentals & Applications, Vienna,Austria, June 26-27, 2017. – P. 23.

13. Romadanova N.V., Machmutova I.A.,Karasholakova L.N., Kushnarenko S.V. Optimization of barberry micropropagation/ / Научный журнал «Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology», 2017, № 2. DOI: 10.11134 / btp.2.2017.7 КОКСОН, ВИНИТИ