Academic mobility

Virtual academic mobility of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «South Ural State University» (Russia)

As part of the implementation of the academic mobility program, from October 16 to December 2, 2023, Ph.D., Associate professor of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “South Ural State University” (Russia, Chelyabinsk) Fedorov A.I. conducted online classes for undergraduates on the training courses “Training of world-class athletes: methodology, methods, innovations” and “Technical means to ensure the effectiveness of the training process”. During the classes, modern systems and concepts of training highly qualified athletes were presented; characteristics of various types of training of athletes were given; theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of the training process at various stages of long-term training of athletes were considered; a system of integrated control and management in sports was presented; some types of modern information technologies and technical means contributing to the effectiveness of training were considered. the process. Access to the educational materials of the training course is provided with the help of digital educational resources made in the form of a specialized website physical culture AND sports (