
In order to improve the quality of the organisation and conduct of professional practice, on 30 May 2024 the Educational and Methodological Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education held a university competition «Practitioner of the Year» for graduates of all educational programmes. The works of the contest participants were objectively evaluated by the composition of the commission. According to the results of the competition, the owners of the best internship reports were awarded with diplomas of І, ІІ and ІІІ levels, their supervisors were awarded with letters of thanks.

1st place – Rakhimbekkyzy Ainur, 6B03201-Journalism, group GK412 (head: teacher-lecturer Yessenbek Zhumagali Beisenbekuly);

2st place – Zamanbekova Balzhan Kanatbekkyzy, 6B01508 – Biology, group BK411 (head: teacher-assistant Mutaliv Daulen);

2st place – Omirgali Nazym, 6B01301 – Primary education pedagogy and methodology, group BK411 (head: teacher-assistant Kulseitova Zaure Galiallanovna);

3st place – Toktagan Bekzat Maratuly, 6B06102 – Information systems, AZhK 411 group (head: teacher-lecturer Mursakimova Gulzhan Altaybekovna);

3st place – Temirbekova Arailym Kurmanbekovna, 6B01701 – Kazakh language and literature, KTA411 group (head: teacher-lecturer Razbekova Meruert Toktasynkyzy);

3st place – Abdikarimova Nazerke Mukashevna, 6B01510 – Geography-History, GTK 411 group (head: PhD, Professor Baymyrzaev Kuat Maratuly).

Congratulations to the Practitioners of the Year and their supervisors!