In order to introduce the principles of constructivism in the educational process, the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education organized a summer school on June 10, 2024.
The program of the seminar on the topic: «Constructive alignment in the development of educational programs (sillabus)» implied discussion of the following issues:
– Alignment of educational program learning outcomes with sillabuses;
– Determination of forms of control and methods of learning in the development of educational programs;
– Definition of assessment criteria and descriptors;
– Adaptation of syllabuses to modern trends in education (translation of experience in training areas).
The report was made by A.Bedelbaeva being a national trainer on modernization of the education system, national expert of educational programs told about the peculiarities of training with the translation of specific examples. The head of the Project Office M.Schmidt voiced the issues of adapting curricula and practice programs for special educational needs.
The leading certified teachers shared their practical experience in developing training programs (syllabus): Candidate of Biological Sciences B.Oksikbaev, PhD G.Shukenay, Master K.Chesnokova, Master B.Sarsenbaev Master J. Akhmetov, Master A. Meyrambek.
According to the results of the seminar, recommendations on the development and loading of curricula (syllabuses) for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year were summarized.