Competition of young scientists «Jas ǵalym»

Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov announces an intra-university competition for financing projects for commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists «Jas ǵalym».

Applications are accepted in the following areas:

• Information Technology (IT);

• Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products;

• Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology;

• Tourism;

• Socio-humanities sciences.

Stages of the Competition:

1. Applications are accepted from September 12 to October 10, 2024;

2. Protection/Presentation of projects before the expert commission – October 11, 2024;

3. Evaluation of submitted applications by the expert commission – from October 14 to October 18, 2024;

4. Announcement of results and awarding of grants – October 21, 2024. execution of contracts with the winners of the Competition until October 31, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as grantees);

5. Project implementation – from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025;

6. Submission of reports on the results of completed research to the expert commission – quarterly (until the 30th, March, June, October);

7. Evaluation by the expert commission of the results of completed research and registration of acceptance certificates for research – December 2025

Rules and requirements for participation in the Competition:

  • Collective applications are accepted for the Competition.
  • When submitting a collective application for the Competition, the participants who submitted it determine the head of research from among themselves. There can be only one supervisor in each collective application.
  • Each participant of the Competition can participate in only one application.
  • Project managers cannot participate more than 3 times. Each executor of the project can participate only 3 times.
  • The research group, including the leader, should consist of 3 to 5 participants aged 18 to 40 years. Violation of this requirement must be justified before the Expert Commission and indicated in the Grant Agreement.
  • The requested amount of financing for one project should not exceed 2 million tenge.
  • The final result of the submitted work should be the development of a finished technical product (working prototype), an industrial design that meets the directions of the competition, or an applicable development strategy for the industries represented in this competition.

Application requirements:

  • The total volume of documents attached to the application should not exceed 10 pages of typewritten text (font – Times New Roman, size – 12, line spacing – single, margins – 2 cm on all sides).
  • Applications are submitted in electronic and printed form, within the deadlines set by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the University, to the Project Office, as well as to the Applications in hard copy are provided in a single copy signed by the participants and the head of research.
  • Applications that do not comply with the terms of the Competition, issued in violation of the requirements established by this Regulation or submitted after the deadline are not accepted for consideration and do not participate in the Competition. Materials sent to the Contest will not be returned.

Application form for participation in the competition

Application for participation in the intra-university competition of the Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov for financing of projects for commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists

«Jas ǵalym»

1. The name of the competition.

2. The name of the areas of scientific development that are the subject of the competition.

3. Name of the project topic.

4. The purpose of the project, the objectives of the project, relevance, novelty and expected results

(500-700 words).

5. The international code of the rubricator.(GRNTI is the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information)

6. Type of research.

Types of scientific research:

  • Fundamental research undertaken primarily to produce new knowledge regardless of application prospects.
  • Applied research, mainly aimed at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems.
  • Monodisciplinarity research is conducted within the framework of a separate science.
  • Interdisciplinary research requires the participation of specialists from various fields and is conducted at the junction of several scientific disciplines.
  • A comprehensive research is conducted using a system of methods and techniques through which scientists strive to cover the maximum (or optimal) possible number of significant parameters of the studied reality.
  • A single-factor or analytical research is aimed at identifying one, the most significant, in the researcher’s opinion, aspect of reality.
  • Exploratory research aimed at determining the prospects of working on the topic, finding ways to solve scientific problems.
  • Critical research is conducted in order to refute an existing theory, model, hypothesis, law, etc., or to test which of the two alternative hypotheses predicts reality more accurately. Critical research is conducted in those areas where a rich theoretical and empirical stock of knowledge has been accumulated and proven methods for carrying out the experiment are available.
  • Clarifying research. This is the most common type of research. Their goal is to establish the boundaries within which theory predicts facts and empirical patterns. Usually, compared with the initial experimental sample, the conditions of the study, the object, and the methodology change. This registers which area of reality is covered by the previously obtained theoretical knowledge.
  • Reproducing research. Its purpose is to accurately repeat the experiment of its predecessors to determine the reliability, reliability and objectivity of the results obtained. The results of any study should be repeated in the course of a similar experiment conducted by another researcher with appropriate competence. Therefore, after the discovery of a new effect, a pattern, the creation of a new technique, etc., an avalanche of reproducing studies arises designed to verify the results of the discoverers.
  • Development is a scientific research that implements the results of specific fundamental and applied research into practice.
  1. 1. The requested amount of financing (in accordance with the deadlines of the project, in thousands of tenge).
  2. 2. Estimated start and end dates of the project.
  3. 3. Personal data about the scientific supervisor of the project (surname, first name, patronymic of an individual, place of work / study, address, IIN, contact phone numbers (phone, e-mail) and information about the projects in which he participated.

Full name, position/faculty, course of study of the project manager _____________________________________________________________  (signature)

Full name, position/faculty, course of study of the project manager _____________________________________________________________  (signature)

Full name, position/faculty, course of study of the project manager _____________________________________________________________  (signature)