“Fair Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism”

09.09.2024  Lecturer of the “Foreign Languages ​​and Translation” program of the Higher School of Humanities, curator of the “Translation Studies-411” group Musabayeva A.N. acquainted students with the content of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (02.09.2024) Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Fair Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism” and discussed it in detail. The main goal of the President’s  Message was to ensure the socio-economic stability of the country, strengthen law and order and public optimism. This initiative is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, effectively using industrial potential, and solving infrastructure issues.   The President paid special attention to the tasks set in the field of education and science. The need to strengthen the ideology of law and order in society was also emphasized.