On December 05, 2024, Faculty of Natural Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor E.A.Tokpanov, PhD, lecturer D.M. Mukasheva, Master, M.M.Kuljataev, S.Seilkhan organized a master class on “Modeling the educational process using STEM, CLIL and artificial intelligence technologies”. The master class was attended by the teaching staff of the university and students, undergraduates, doctoral students. The possibilities of forming the research competence of students based on the use of STEAM, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) technologies in education in the study of natural sciences and technology are considered. The purpose of the master class is to familiarize teaching staff and students with innovative educational technologies, increase cognitive interest and creative abilities of students through elements of new technologies.
During the master class, methods of analyzing digital maps, collaborative learning, STEAM education, critical thinking development, information and communication technologies and interactive learning were used. During the lessons, students used virtual digital cards https://www.ventusky.com/ru and virtual laboratories with virtual meteorological interactive. In accordance with educational requirements, STEAM has defined measures to protect against air pollution and modeled wastewater treatment plants. In the process of teaching the discipline “Plant Biology”, methods of active learning based on the use of didactic tools using CLIL technology are demonstrated. During the classes, the students used a digital microscope to analyze micro-preparations in English. In addition, using a training complex of fire extinguishing equipment in 3D format, the students demonstrated ways to extinguish fires in virtual time. At the end of the event, the participants expressed their opinions and thanked the organizers. During the master class, the importance of modern technologies in education was noted and new ideas were proposed.