A competition of experts in ancient Mythology was held at the Faculty of Humanities. The main characters of the intellectual and creative competition were the second-year students of the specialty “Russian language and Literature”. The participants of the tournament had to show their knowledge of key mythological plots, the ability to navigate the Greek and Roman pantheons of the gods, as well as demonstrate an expressive reading of an excerpt from Homer’s Iliad or Odyssey.
According to the students, it was difficult to recite an excerpt from Homeric poems. But it was even more difficult to memorize it! After all, the dactylic hexameter, on which the most ancient Greek poems are written, is not obeyed by everyone! It wasn’t easy to compose your own hexameter. But the students coped with this task, demonstrating both literary taste and a subtle poetic flair.
The culmination of the celebration was the “self-presentation” of the mythological hero. Deities representing wisdom and justice, the darkness of the night and the light of knowledge, beauty and love, fertility and the sanctity of the family hearth descended into auditorium 129 from Olympus. The students vividly presented each image with the help of costume elements, basic attributes and several lines of poetry composed by themselves.
The most stormy applause was awarded to Demeter (Valeria Pashayeva), Artemis (Gayevskaya Liana), Dionysus (Kanabek Anel, Kunanbayeva Nurai), Hestia (Dairzhan Zharkynai), Hecate (Daurenkyzy Ayaulym), Diana (Belousova Victoria), Themis (Maratova Akbota).
The hexameter dactyl composed by Kanabek Anel, Pashayeva Valeria, Gayevskaya Liana, Belousova Victoria, Zhylkyshbai Nazerke and Yusup Nazerke sounded weighty and expressive in Homeric. The lines composed by Elena Sudarikova, Abdrakhman Nargiz, Sagyndyk Byrganym, and Daria Moiseeva are remembered for their depth and poetry.
The organizer of the contest, Candidate of Philological Sciences Shcherbovskikh Irina Gennadievna noted the following: “This competition is not only a celebration of intelligence and talent, imagination and good taste. Knowledge of ancient mythology will help students to correctly understand the specifics of the Renaissance and the peculiarities of the works of representatives of classicism and Romanticism, to penetrate more deeply into the artistic world of 20th century writers, who often turned to the images of ancient heroes or to rethinking the myth.”
The competition ended, and for a long time snow-white silhouettes flashed in the foyer of the Faculty of Humanities and the silver laughter of young goddesses sounded!