Intellectual competition

Intellectual competition on the work of Magripa Zhylkybayeva “The Mysterious World of Zhambyl”

 On February 28, 2025, an intellectual competition was held among the first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities on the work “The Mysterious World of Zhambyl” by Magripa Zhylkybayeva.

Goal: Recognition and popularization of the works of Magripa Zhylkybayeva – a scientist, researcher of the secret world of Zhambyl, who comprehensively studied the symbols of the Golden Man from the Issyk mound, wrote down the code of petroglyphs and left behind a rich heritage of world class; an intellectual knowledge competition dedicated to the birthday of the great Kazakh poet and lyricist – Zhambyl Zhabayev, aimed at deepening knowledge about the rich literary heritage of the poet and revealing his work from a new side.

Students of the educational programs “Kazakh Language and Literature”, “History”, “Philology” and “Journalism” took part in the competition.

The speaker of the event, Doctor of Philology, Professor M.M. Imangazinov, focused on the role of Magripa Zhylkybayeva and Zhambyl Zhabayuly in Kazakh literature and culture.

The jury included A. Kunanbayeva, Senior Researcher at the Literary Museum named after Ilyas Zhansugurov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities for Educational Work A.S. Doskeldin.

The competition was held in 3 stages:

Video competition answers to questions “The Mysterious World of Zhambyl”

Goal: To study the works of M. Zhylkybayeva on Zhambyl studies,

related to the life and scientific work of the legendary poet

  1. Blitz tour

Goal: to test the thinking skills of the participants and the level of assimilation of the topic.

III. Creative stage “Zhyr-shashu”

Procedure: Each group reads one of Zhambyl’s poems.

Evaluation criteria:

– Voice rhythm, tone;

– Stage culture, behavior;

– Clothing in national style;

– Background music, presentation, use of musical instruments.

Based on the results of the intellectual competition, the History EP took 3rd place, the Philology EP was awarded 2nd place, the Journalism EP took 1st place, and the Kazakh Language and Literature EP won the Grand Prix.

Familiarization of young people with the significant works of Magripa Shozhegulkyzy, the first Kazakh scientist in the world who deciphered the symbolism of the Golden Man in Issyk-Kurgan using quantum physics and revealed the secrets of the Saka burial mounds and pyramids of the ancient Turks, is of great educational and cognitive value.

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