Educational program

6В02302 Philology

EP purpose 

The purpose of the educational program “6В02302 – Philology” is the training of highly qualified personnel-philologists who meet the requirements of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan; easily adapting in a changing world on the basis of deep knowledge, professional skills, high level of emotional intelligence, ready to play a leading role in the development of Kazakh philology. Formation of a model of national philological education that meets modern requirements, integrating into the global educational space.

EP type

New EP

Level on NQF


Level on SQF


EP distinctive features


The awarded academic degree


Period of study


Volume of the credits


Language of education


Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting

07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)

Professional standard

Developed on the basis of the NRC and ORC, as well as taking into account the proposals of employers


                               Learning outcomes:


takes an active civil position in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment on the basis of fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, psychological sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan’s society.


has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to the understanding of social phenomena and processes in the legal, entrepreneurial, industrial, environmental environment.


demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the Kazakh language in the field of phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax; distinguish between the main stages and representatives of the history of the language, trends and new directions; classify languages according to genealogical, typological, functional principles; describe the history of Kazakh writing, spelling.


study the historical changes in the grammatical structure of the Kazakh language, to carry out a linguistic analysis of the literary text, to be guided by the scientific conclusions of the linguists of the Alash period, to generalize the grammatical features of the Turkic languages.


carry out a comprehensive analysis of the works of Kazakh, foreign poets and writers, from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre features, plot and compositional features, style and poetics; to evaluate the directions of development of the literature of the Turkic peoples.


use business communication tools and strategies; carry out communication at the intercultural level, carry out office work in the Kazakh language; interpret academic text; practice interpretation and translation; carry out linguistic expertise.


provide expert, consulting, analytical services in the field of social, cultural, professional activities; solve the problem of using the Kazakh language in artificial intelligence; assess the impact of language policy and various programs on the language environment.


critically analyze the theory and criticism of literature, poetics; to distinguish between the main periods, directions, schools, its representatives in the history of Kazakh literature; compare literary concepts.


analyze innovations in modern research in the field of the theory of linguistics and linguodidactics; compare the main theories and concepts in new directions of linguistics; to structure extralinguistic and intralinguistic, translinguistic factors, to compare the grammatical objects of the Turkic languages.


substantiate the history of the Kazakh literary language; evaluate the stylistic features of linguistic objects; express an opinion on the theoretical concepts of general linguistics, the theory of functional grammar; to argue the cognitive, cultural, ethnic, psychological, applied features of the language.


compose written works, essays, stories in the Kazakh language in accordance with linguistic and stylistic norms; formulate a hypothesis about the development of new directions of linguistics; to plan research on the Kazakh language.


create social and scientific projects that contribute to the development of the Kazakh language; evaluate the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in the study of linguistics.