№ | Learning outcomes: |
1 | Shows an active civil position in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment based on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, psychological Sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan’s society |
2 | Has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to understanding socially significant social phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, and environmental environment |
3 | Capable of communication in oral and written forms in Kazakh/Russian and foreign languages for solving scientific problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction |
4 | Apply knowledge of General laws of interaction of living organisms with environmental factors, the functioning of ecological systems and biosphere as a whole; know the ecological characteristics of a person as a biological and social beings, the history of the evolution of the system man-society-nature and features of its functioning at different stages of development, political, legal and economic mechanisms to control the quality of the social and natural environment |
5 | Able to assess the quality of natural environments by chemical indicators; predicts the behavior of pollutants in the environment, as well as changes in the chemical composition and properties of soils in agricultural landscapes |
6 | Provides safety and life in the field of professional activity; applies knowledge on the basics of life safety in practice |
7 | Assesses the suitability of land and takes measures to reproduce soil fertility; owns methods for diagnosing the state of reclaimed soils and evaluating the effectiveness of the drainage system; develops a set of measures for the primary development, cultivation and maintenance of reclaimed land |
8 | Analyzes the current state and location of natural resources on the globe, the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the state of natural resource potential in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan; develops a set of measures for the primary development, cultivation and maintenance of reclaimed land |
9 | Assesses the ecological state of the natural environment; monitors and evaluates the technogenic impact of production on the environment; monitors compliance with the established requirements, current norms, rules and standards |
10 | Predicts, evaluates and eliminates the spread of various types of pollutants in the natural environment; carries out measures for the disposal, disinfection and disposal of various wastes; organizes the process of recycling and recycling of waste |
11 | Conducts interdisciplinary scientific research to solve specific tasks for the protection of OS to achieve the goals of sustainable development; draws up and provides the results of scientific research; uses modern methods of scientific research, processes and interprets the data obtained using computer technologies |
12 | Assesses the genotoxicity of substances and predicts the effects of genotoxic factors on populations of living organisms |