Educational program7M05202 Еnvironmental management and environmental safety
EP purpose Training of highly qualified, competitive ecologists of the new generation, who are able to set and simultaneously solve current theoretical and practical problems at the regional and international level in the field of environmental safety and environmental management
EP typeInnovative EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresCollaborative EP
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationEnglish
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standard 
                               Learning outcomes:
1be able to organize and carry out pedagogical activities, formulate and implement pedagogical goals and objectives; use philosophical knowledge for a more complete and methodical understanding of independently obtained scientific results;
2to carry out effective team work for the organization of activities in the management of natural resources;
3аpply modern communication technologies in the search and use of the necessary information for academic and professional communication.
4use GIS and statistical methods in solving problems of ecology and nature management;
5classify modern methods of assessing the level of environmental safety and conduct scientific and industrial research;
6plan and organize in practice research and production activities in the field of environmental protection; evaluate the problems, tasks and methods of scientific research;
7implement, analyze and evaluate the selection of effective measures and ways to protect the environment; design measures to protect the environment;
8to analyze modern methods and approaches in the study of environmental problems; to assess the current problems of natural ecosystems (forest and steppe communities) and to create a favorable natural environment in cities.
9develop measures to ensure environmental safety through low-waste technology;
10organize monitoring of the state of the environment; assess adverse impacts and the extent of their impact on the components of the environment.