
Zhetysu University names I. Zhansugurova will open the competition of the intra-Russian stage “Best Teacher of the University” in 2023

In the competition, it is possible to take part in the teaching staff of the OVPO (full-time teachers), which have an independent scientific and pedagogical internship not less than five years at the moment of presentation of documents at the competition, and high achievements in pedagogical and scientific activities in particular support and support.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the professional and pedagogical culture of the professional educational institution of the OVPO (Dae-PPS), the level of educational and methodological and educational work, stimulation of the activity of the scientific potential of the PPS through the creation of favorable conditions for the professional self-improvement, improvement of motivation for further professional development of teachers.

Stages of implementation

Application: until October 31 2023

Vnutrivuzovsky stage: from 1 to 10 November 2023

Standard documents:

1. order of the Minister of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on approval of the rules for awarding the title” The Best Teacher of a higher educational institution”

2. Order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” on the fulfillment of the order of the best teacher of the University ”

3. rules for awarding the title “best university teacher”

4.The Order of the name “Best Teacher of the university”was approved.