
On August 23, 2024 seminars were held within the framework of the project «MOCCA: Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia»

Speakers were:

Dr. Deniz Genç from Istanbul Medipol University gave a presentation on «Exploring Limitations and Challenges in Norm Diffusion Processes: A Study of Anti-Corruption Efforts by IOs in Central Asia». In her presentation, Dr. Denise Gench analyzed the activities of international anti-corruption organizations in Central Asia and reviewed their activities and impact at the global level. Dr. Nivedita Prabakaran Pankova from Estonian Business School gave a presentation on «Revisiting Corruption and Economic Growth using Nightlights».

Dr. Pankova stressed the advantages of using the “nightlights” method in analyzing the impact of corruption on economic growth. She also analyzed the data obtained using this method and explored possible correlations between economic indicators and the level of corruption in studying the relationship between corruption and economic growth.

The seminar discussed current issues and new research methods related to corruption and economic growth. The presentations touched upon modern approaches to analyzing these issues. Speakers shared their methods and research results, and participants actively asked questions and expressed their opinions. The discussions contributed to a deeper understanding of the topics presented and facilitated the exchange of scientific ideas and approaches.