The results of the intra-university competition have been summarized «Jas galym»

On October 11, 2024, an intra-university competition «Jas galym» was held at the Ilyas Zhansugurov Zhetysu University to finance projects to commercialize the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists. 21 applications were submitted for the competition, and according to the results of the evaluation of the commission, 8 projects became winners.

With a implementation period from January 1 to December 31, 2025, the following projects and financing amounts 16,000,000 tenge were approved:

1. Project topic: «Разработка голосового помощника с интегрированным Искусственным интеллектом далее» (ИИ),           project manager: Bagdat S., project executors: Anet I., Anastasia S., Artem F., the amount of financing: 2,000,000 tenge.

2. Project topic: «ZU Connect», project manager: Adilet M., project executors: Myrzakhmet A., Kubenova A.A., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge.

3. Project topic: «Жетісу облысы музейлері: ГАЖ технологиялары негізінде», project manager: Bekzat G., project executors: Nazym K., Zhadyra K., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge.

4. Project topic: «NeuroGym – нейрогимнастикалық сайты», project manager: Karlygash A., project executors:Ayajan M., Toktasynova B., the amount of financing: 2,000,000 tenge.

5. Project topic: KazakhLand», project manager: Ajar S., project executors: Alua A., Ayajan M., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge.

6. Project topic: «Kazaukana: новая порода курицы» project manager: Askar M., project executors: Danyar A., Nursaule K., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge.

7. Project topic:  «Разработка и применение мобильного игрового приложения с образовательным контентом», project manager: Karima B., project executors: Aibek A., Adema A., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge. 

8. Project topic: Изделия из шунгита ««SILK ROUTE» шунгит өнімдері», project manager: Eric B., project executors: Omarkhan M. Zh., Baybol Zh.E., financing amount: 2,000,000 tenge.

The competition is an important event that allows to increase the scientific potential of young people and commercialize scientific projects. The winning projects will contribute to the development of scientific research at the university and meet the needs of society.

The date of the awards ceremony and all further information will be provided at a later date.