Nurzhanova Tamara
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Position: Associate professor
Educational institution: Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
Specialty: English language teacher
Year of graduation: 1969 y.
Qualification: English language teacher
Information about the academic degree:
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Specialty: 13.00.01-Theory and history of pedagogy
Year of assignment: 1986 y.
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: Pedagogical problems of development of schools with several languages of instruction in Kazakhstan ( 1946-1980)
Information about the academic title: Associate Professor
Year of assignment: 2016 y.
Professor of ZhGU named after I.Zhansugurov
Research interests: Family pedagogy and ethnopedagogy of the peoples of Kazakhstan
Parasatty pedagog. Breastplate. No. 00003 2019
scientific study
Scientific works: Total-90; for the last 3 years:
1.” Development of creativity of future specialists in the conditions of higher pedagogical school ” scientific article. World of Pedagogy and Psychology No. 11 (28), 2018 y.international scientific and Practical Journal. Nizhny Novgorod
2. “Formation of methodological culture of students of pedagogical universities” scientific article. Journal “Innovations in Science” No. 9 (70), 2017 y.
3. “Target orientations of methodological work in the primary stage of secondary school” scientific article, Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
4. “Educational activity and its connection with the development of the student’s personality in primary school” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
5. “Retraining, advanced training of personnel in a multi-level system of higher education” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
6. “Integration processes in the global educational space” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
7. “Stimulating role of pedagogical theory in the organization of educational and cognitive activity of the subject” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
8. “Scientific and methodological costs in the process of implementing the concept of 12-year education in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Science and Life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
9. “Theory of knowledge as a methodological beginning of the theory of education in higher education” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
10. “Higher school as a subject of the education system” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 1 (74) 2019 y.
11.” Ways of working with children with deviant behavior by a teacher-psychologist ” Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 3 July 2020 y.
Training manuals:
1. Pedagogy of higher schools. Training manual. Publishing Department of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov Taldykorgan 2019 y.
2. Pedagogics of higher education.Training manual. Publishing Department of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan 2020 y.
E-learning tools:
1. Organization of free time for children and adolescents Textbook. Publishing Department of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov Taldykorgan 2019 y.
Papers published at international and Republican scientific conferences:
1. Specifics of working with children with disabilities by a teacher-psychologist. Republican scientific and methodological conference” XXI century of Science and innovation ” young scientists and students , April 3-4, 2020 y.
2. Formation of student’s intercultural competence in extracurricular activities
International scientific and practical conference” Ruhani zhangyru-the basis of dynamic development of Kazakhstan ” Zhu 2018 y.
3.Family conflicts, their features and reasons” Ruhani zhangyru-the basis of dynamic development of Kazakhstan ” International Scientific and practical conference ZhGU 2018 y.
4.Internet resources developing student’s independent activity “XXI century Innovation and Science” republican scientific and methodological conference of young scientists and students, 3-4 April 2020 y.
5.Children’s fears and ways to correct them in preschool children. Preschool and primary education: expanding the educational environment. Materials of the international conference “Readings of Ushinsky” of the Pedagogical Faculty of YAGPU, Yaroslavl 2017 y.