Abdrakhmanova Bayan Serikovna

Academic degreeCandidate of economic sciences

Post: Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of JSC «Institute of Economic Research»


  • Higher education, Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt-ata
  • Full-time postgraduate study, candidate of the University of International Business, Almaty


More than 20 scientific articles, teaching aids and monographs, including:

  • Абдрахманова Б.С., Терликбаева А. Продовольственная независимость Казахстана по сахару // Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, № 1, 2024. – Астана, С. 117-124. DOI 10.52260/2304-7216.2024.1(54).15.
  • Каймолдина Ш.А., Абдрахманова Б.С. Качество экономического роста развитых экономик в эпоху глобализации // Экономика и статистика, Агентство по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан, Бюро национальной статистики, № 3/2021 г., С. 21-28.

  • Абдрахманова Б.С., Ахметжанова К.Т. Гармонизация стратегического и бюджетного планирования // Journal Economy and Finance. Нур-Султан, АО «Институт экономических исследований», № 1, 2020 г. – С. 49-56.

Research activities

  • research in the field of state planning (improvement of the strategic planning system – methodological support, monitoring/evaluation of strategic planning documents, harmonization of strategic and budgetary planning, development of draft documents);
  • expert and analytical support for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan;
  • analysis and assessment of the country’s competitiveness (analysis of international ratings, preparation of a National report on the competitiveness of Kazakhstan);

  • a study on the integration of Kazakhstan into the CES/EAEU;
  • a study on topical issues of state financial control and socio-economic development of the country, as well as a study of the causes and conditions that generate financial violations when using budget funds, and the development of recommendations for their prevention.