Berikova Aigan Kalievna
Degree: candidate of philosophical Sciences
Position: senior lecturer
Information of higher education: higher
Educational institution: KSU named after S. M. Kirov
Specialty: 5В020100 Philosophy
Year of graduation: 1988
Qualification: teacher of philosophy
Information about academic degree:
Educational institution
Scientific degree: Candidate of philosophical Sciences
Specialty: 09.00.11 – Social philosophy
Year of assignment: 2010
Theme of candidate dissertation: “Justice as a social and moral issue”
Scientific interests: social philosophy, religious studies, ethics, logic
- Philosophy
- Sociology
- Culturology
Qualification improvement
- 07.06.2012 – 21.06.2012 – course “Remote educational technologies” (72 hours) Zhgu, Taldykorgan
- 15.03 -16.03.2014 – Лекторат DAAD in area of legal sciences of University of Тарту “Higher education in Germany” (12 hours) Zhgu, Taldykorgan
- 05.06.2015 – 20.06.2015 – Program the professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan (240 hours) – JSC “national training center “Orleu”, Almaty
- 15.06 – 27.06.2020 – Refresher courses on the topic “Organization of training in distance and online educational technologies” (36 hours) ZhSU, Taldykorgan
- 30.11 – 26.12.2020 – Refresher courses on the topic “Philosophy of Kazirgi denietanym, іс-tәzhіribe zhane XXI Kasyrdyk Gylym methodologies retinde” (72 hours) ZhSU, Taldykorgan
Scientific publications
Textbooks and teaching manuals:
- Justice: a socio-philosophical analysis / Textbook. Taldykorgan, ZhSU, 2011, 115 p. ISBN 978-601-216-096-3
- Modernization of public conscience / Textbook. Taldykorgan, ZhSU, 2018, 112s.
- Justice in the context of social transformations / Taldykorgan monograph, 2019, 115 p.
Main scientific publications:
- Democracy and Justice: philosophical, ethical analysis. Materials of conference of young scientists. – Almaty, 1997. -Pp. 10-14.
- Socio-moral basis of the problem of justice. Materials of conference of young scientists. – Almaty, 1997-Pp. 10-14.
- The issue of fairness. D. a Theory of justice.Rawls. The modern world: researches of young. Almaty, Carry-Karagat, 1999.-P. 215-226.
- Frontier Justice as a problem of morality and sociality. Search, 2000. No. 2. S. 157-163.
- Moral and ethical foundations of the problem of justice. Materials XXVIII conference “Zhansugurov’s readings”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan. Taldykorgan, 2000.-Pp. 140-145.
- The dialectics of freedom and equality. Republic of Kazakhstan: 10 years of independent development. Proceedings of the International conference. Vol. II. Philosophy, Cultural studies, pedagogy. Kyzyl-Orda. 2001. Page 119-123.
- Spirituality – based worldview subjectcentric. Culture-Art-Education: trends and prospects. – Almaty, 2002.-P. 97-107.
- Justice in the context of social activities. Almaty, 2002.-2
- Spirituality – the basis of consolidation of the society / Bulletin of the Treasury: series philosophy. 2007. No. 2 (28). P. 192-195.
- Philosophical conceptualization of the idea of justice. Search, 2009. No. 2. S. 139-142.
- To the question of industrial-innovative development of the country. Rock Gazette, no. 1-2, 2011. P.30-33.
- Social stratification of Kazakh society. Proceedings of the III all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. Vol.1. – Krasnoyarsk: Scientific-innovative centre, 2011. P. 264-266.
- About the nature of corruption. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference.Taldykorgan. 2011. S. 67-73.
- On pseudoreligions in modern conditions /journal of Institute, No. 4, 2011.With. 96-98.
- Spirituality (the socially-philosophical and moral analysis). Materials of international scientific-practical conference. Taldykorgan, part II, 2012. P. 214-217.
- On the role of traditional religions in the formation of spiritual values. International scientifically-experimental conference materials.Taldykorgan, 06 APR 2013 82-85B.
- The religious situation in the Society. Experienced scientific conference materials.Taldykorgan 14 June 2013. 71-74.
- The concept of justice in the socio-ethical concepts of al-Farabi. Proceedings of the first International Farabi forum. Almaty, April 02-12, 2014. 235-239.
- Madeni mura aksiologalyk turkydan “/ co-authored by SK Rakhipova. / Materials of the republican conference “Zhansugir takylymy”, 8 zheltoksan 2017. S. 243-246
- The mentality of the ұғymynyң қoғam bolmysyndғy orny / co-authored by SK Rakhipova. / ZhMU khabarshysy No. 4, 2017, pp. 169-171
- Foundations of anthropocentrism in the philosophy of Kazakh enlightenment “/ co-authored by Nurbosynova LS ZhSU Bulletin, No. 1 (89) 2019. 0.3 bp, 186-193b.
- Social-Philosophic Analyses of The Concept «Culture». Rakhipova Saira, Berikova Aigan, Yenseyeva Venera, Zhaukumova Sholpan, Zhamaubaeva Dinara. International Jornal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. April.2020.
- Ways to achieve happiness in the socio-ethical concept of al-Farabi / co-authored by SK Rakhipova. / Materials of the republican conference dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker of the East “The second teacher of the world.” Abu Nasyr al-Farabi – Taldykorgan, ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov, 2020 .– 160p. (15-19s.)
- Modernization of public consciousness – a response to the challenges of the era of globalization / co-authored by LS Nurbosynova / Materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA”, Nur-Sultan, December 15-17, 2020.