Ashkeeva Nursharkhan
Academic degree: Candidate of Political Science
Academic title: Docent, associate professor
1986-1991 year – Kazakh state University named after S. M. Kirov
- Badge S.Altynsarina. MES RK, 2008
- Certificate of honor. MES RK, 2014
- «The problem of nonexistence in the philosophy of Thomas aquinas» – Russia and Europe: the Connection of culture and Economy: Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (27.02.2015) Prague, Czech Republic.
- «Improving the management system on a new path of development of Kazakhstan» – Constitutional reforms in Kazakhstan: Republican scientific and practical conference «New mechanisms for the development of the state with the modernization of society». Almaty, 29.03.2017
- «Formation of general cultural competence of students in the educational process»- Science and Life, No. 6/1, 2019
- «Philosophical problems of language in the works of Akhmet Baitursynov» – The World of Man, 1(79), 2019
- «State policy of kazakhstan in the field of higher and postgraduate education» – Modern science №05, Vol. 11.2020