Baitaeva Gulnar Rakhmetovna

Degree: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor 

Post: Associate Professor 


  1. 1981 – Moscow academy named after K. K. Timiryazeva, specialty “labor economics”. He was awarded the qualification of economist in accounting and analysis of economic activities.”
  2. 2005-defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 000805.


  1. 2007-gold medal.S. M. Toraigyrov;

  2. 2018-Medal for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. ”Y. Altynsarin”;

  3. 2009-winner of the state grant “best university teacher”.

Scientific works

  1. Управление процессом оптимизации на предприятиях аграрного сектора экономики International Journal No. 4 (29), 2019. Volume 1 ” Meridian”, Tomsk k. RSCI;
  2. Развитие эффективной системы государственного управления в РК “Statistics and Accounting” Almaty.4 (75)2019;
  3. Особенности развития института самоуправления в РК. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 3/8 (216).2019. – P. 314-318;
  4. Анализ эффективности использования трудовых ресурсов в РК, Almaty. “Statistics and accounting” journals 3 (74) 2019;
  5. Управление развитием сектора органического сельского хозяйства Казахстана в ВТО Алматы. ҚР Ұлттық Ғылым академиясының еңбектері. 226. –238С.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 3/8 (216).2019. – P. 314-318;