IT school-lyceum No. 28 named after Kulzhabai Kasymov Russian Language and Literature Decade opening, we, together with the teachers of the Kulzhabai Kasymov IT School-Lyceum No. 28, met students of the 1st shift in Russian folk costumes. Everyone was treated to thin openwork pancakes and a sweet loaf. Russian Russian folk style decorated the hall …


A journalist must be true to his positions

The cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Journalist of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Zhumakhmet Zhanakhmetovich made a guest appearance in the program “Қонақпен жүздесу” of the educational radio studio OP Journalism and Information. The interview began with the journalist’s arrival in the creative world. He shared his experience, …

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The process of internship by students of the SHTK212 group

On February 6, 2023, students of the SHTK 212 group of the Ilyas Zhansugurov Zhetysu University with the head of the practice, Aizhan Sakhanovna Shynybekova, visited the municipal state institution “Lyceum of Secondary School No. 5 named after M. Lomonosov”. We met and got acquainted with the deputy for Academic Affairs Inkar Madiyarovna. The heads …

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The moments of practical training by students of the group FK411 EP 6B02302 – Philology

Since January 9 of this year, the Higher School of Humanities, 21 students majoring in philology have been undergoing practical training in the relevant state institutions. In particular, akimats of districts, villages, cities, onomastic and analytical department of the Department for the Development of Languages of Zhetysu region, journalism, press services, etc. There were no …

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From 30.01.2023 to 10.02.2023, 3rd year students of educational programs 6B01703 – Russian language and literature, 6B01704 – Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction conductedreportinglessons as part of the pedagogical practice in schools of Taldykorgan and Morozov SSHG №51 (Ushtobe, Karatal district). The lessons were held in the following …


Information about the internship of 3rd year students

In the municipal state institution “Secondary School No. 26 with a preschool mini-Center in Erkin rural district”, Taldykorgan, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, specialty Kazakh language and literature 3rd year students of Zhetysu university named after I. Zhansugurov, majoring in Kazakh language and literature, have been practicing since January 9.  For all the students …

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The process of practical training by students of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”

Students of the Higher School of Humanities of the 3rd course of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” are undergoes teaching practice in the city’s schools. A student of the 3rd course group of SHTK 311 Dauken Garifolla developed speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in teaching the language using modern methods and …

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Open lesson on the subject “History of Kazakhstan”

February 02, 2023 «Higher School of Humanities» of the social and humanitarian educational program teacher-lecturer Kaliyeva B. took part in an open lesson at 11:40-12:25 at the school “125 High School” Abdikarimova Nazerka, student of GTK 311 group on the subject “History of Kazakhstan” on the topic “Chirak’s Feat”.

The process of internship by students of the educational program “History”

Students of the 4th year of the educational program 6B01601-“History” of the OP in the social and humanitarian direction of the Higher School of Humanities undergo pedagogical activity in schools of the city of Taldykorgan. Students hone their theoretical knowledge during practice. Teachers-lecturers of the program: D. Karataeva, A. Abdildanova, B. Kalieva regularly attend classes …

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Practical training

From 09.01.2023 to 13.05.2023, it is planned that students of 3-4 courses of the specialty 6B02302 – “Philology” of the Higher School of Humanities will undergo practical training. On a contractual basis with the Department for the Development of Languages of the Zhetysu region, the Jetysu regional Newspaper Zhetysu and Zhansugurov Literary Museums, our students …

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