Doskeldina Aidana

Degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Post: Teacher-assistant


  • 2011-2015yy. – Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Bachelor’s degree in “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages.”

  • 2015-2017yy. – Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Master’s degree in “Pedagogy and Psychology.”


  • 2023y. – Winner of the “Jas ǵalym” competition for grant funding of projects for the commercialization of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists at Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov with the project “Developing listening and speaking skills in a foreign language through a leveled online platform.”
  • 2022y. – Certificate of Honor from the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For creative achievements in ensuring high-quality education and worthy upbringing of the younger generation for the bright future of our country” in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8.
  • 2023y. – Letter of appreciation for active participation in organizing and holding the regional English language competition “The Best 2023” among students of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and colleges of the city of Taldykorgan and the Zhetysu region, as well as for contributing to the development of Kazakhstan. (Taldykorgan, 2023)
  • 2022y. – Letter of appreciation for active participation in the competition “My Experience. My Story. My English!” held within the framework of the educational program “Foreign Languages and Translation Studies” at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. (Taldykorgan, 2022)
  • 2022y.1st place in the Republican Distance Olympiad for Teachers in the English Language at the district and regional levels, 1st-degree diploma at the national level. (Astana, 2022).
  • 2022y.2nd place among women in the 2000m race within the framework of the Summer “Presidential Test” competition in skiing among the faculty, staff, and students of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. (Taldykorgan, 2022).
  • 2023y.1st place among women in the jumping competition within the framework of the Summer “Presidential Test” competition in skiing among the faculty, staff, and students of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. (Taldykorgan, 2023).
  • 2025 y.– Certificate for 1st place in volleyball within the framework of the traditional “Spartakiad” competition among the faculty and staff of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. (Taldykorgan, 2025).
  • 2025y. – Letter of appreciation from the Republican Center for Distance Olympiads for preparing participants for the Olympiads.


  1. Interaction of pedagogical personal of language disciplines to professional cooperation in the educational process. Современное языкознание. Теория литературы. Лингвистические вопросы преподования языков. «Lingua universum» Межвузовский научный журнал – 2022. – №3. – 21-24рр.
  2. Means of motivation in students learning a foreign language. “Научный аспект №4-2024”. – Самара, 2024 . № 4. – 3022-3029 рр
  3. Развитие эмоционального интеллекта — это путь к миру лидеров. LXXXIX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: Педагогика и психология».
  4. “Home reading” сабағын оқытуда Шекспир шығармаларын қолдану арқылы білімгерлердің сыни ойлау дағдыларын қалыптастыру. І. Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу университеті Хабаршысы, – Талдықорған, 2023  – №3(108),  80-85рр.
  5. Преодоление языковых барьеров с помощью платформы LISAY: фокус на аудировании и устной речи на иностранных языках. Вестник ЗКУ. 4(96) – 2024, 46-52бб.
  6. Английский язык А1 А2 массовый открытый онлайн курс. Авторское свидетельство. 2023. №34211.
  7. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал «Communicative competence in online environment» ISSN 978-601-216-981-2
  8. Авторлық куәлік (2024 жылғы «11» желтоқсан № 52532)

Professional development courses

  1. 15.02-25.02.2025y. – “Using modern technologies in foreign languages and professional oriented foreign language teaching” certificate of attendance for 72- hours. February 15-25, 2022. Al-Farabi Kazakh national university.
  2. 2022y. – “The effects of reflection on education: theory, methods, development and implementation” certificate of attendance for 72- hours. April, 2022. Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov.
  3. 9.01.-21.01.2023y. «Білім алушылардың функционалдық сауаттылығын қалыптасытру үшін «4К» моделін дамытудың білім беру технологиясы» 9-21 қаңтар 2023 ж, 80-сағат, «Өрлеу» біліктілікті арттыру орталығы
  4. 03.01.-15.01.2024y. – “Modern technologies in teaching foreign languages” certificate of attendance for 72- hours. 03.01-15.01.2024. BIG (Best Innovation Group)
  5. 27.05-22.06.2024y. – «Инклюзивті білім берудің ұымдастырушылық-әдістемелік неіздері» 27.05-22.06. 2024ж, І.Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу университеті.
  6. 20.05-29.05.2024y. – “Effective Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and EdTech Digital Technologies in Education, Language teaching and Scientific Research” certificate of attendance for 72- hours. 20-29 May, 2024, Turkic Academy, with the support of Nazarbayev University.