
Institute of National Economy, 1979, engineer-economist; Full-time postgraduate study at the Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1982-1985, candidate of economic sciences (specialty 08.00.13 – “economic and mathematical methods”); doctor of economic sciences (specialty 08.00.14 – “world economy and international economic relations”).


Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences (2018) and the New York Academy of Sciences (2002)


Macroeconomics, world economy and international relations, problems of globalization and slobalization, transnationalization, integration, international capital migration and world trade, new energy paradigm, green economy, world market research, trade, investment and structural policies of national economies










Main publications included in the international databases Web of Science and Scopuc:






















Grant participation:

More than 200 scientific papers (total volume of over 225 p. l.), including about 90 – abroad in Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, China, Republic of Korea, France, Sweden, CIS and Baltic States, USA, Turkey, Japan and other countries (in English, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish and other languages). Author of more than 10 collective monographs, including two individual monographs:

  2. Khusainov B.D. International migration of capital and development of national economies. Monograph, Almaty: Ekonomika, 2005. – 304 с. ISBN 9965-685-94-0.
  3. Khusainov B.D. Globalization, Transnationalization, Integration. Monograph / Editor-in-Chief, Professor of Oxford University Peter Oppenheimer. – Almaty, 2012. – 312с. ISBN9965-602-54-9.
  4. Book Digital Transformation and the World Economy: Critical Factors and Sector-Focused Mathematical Models, изданная в Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2022 г.)
  5. Editor of the two-volume set Global Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Challenges: Models, Regions, Scenarios, Materials and Technologies, издаётся в Springer Nature Switzerland AG (April 2024 г.)
  1. B.D. Khusainov. Paradoxes of the «Natural Resource Curse» Regional Development in the Post-Soviet Space // Journal «Economy of Region ». – Екатеринбург, №4, 2014. – С.81-93. (SCOPUS). DOI: 10.17059/2014-4-6.
  2. B.D. Khusainov. Modern Integration Units: Comparative Analysis of the Growth Factors // журнал «Экономика региона». – Екатеринбург. №1, 2015. – С.156-169. (Web of Science, SCOPUS). DOI: 10.17059/2015-1-14.
  3. B.D. Khusainov. Eurasian Economic Union: Asymmetries of Growth Factors // Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. – Seoul, Republic of Korea, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2017). – pp. 51-58. (Web of Science). DOI: 10.13106/jafeb.2017.vol4.no1.51.
  4. B. D. Khusainov. Efficiency of Integration Processes: an Innovative Method of Evaluation // Studies on Russian Economic Development. – Springer, 2018. – Vol. 29, No 3 – pp. 329-335. (SCOPUS).
  5. Khusainov B. Assessment of the Quality of Growth of National Economies in the Context of Digital Transformation. In Book «Digital Transformation and the World Economy: Critical Factors and Sector-Focused Mathematical Models». – Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2022, pp. 67-86. (Chapter 4, SCOPUS).
  6. Khusainov B. Information Model for Calculating the Rate of Technical Progress. In Book «Digital Transformation and the World Economy: Critical Factors and Sector-Focused Mathematical Models». – Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2022, pp, 23-39. (Chapter 2, SCOPUS).
  7. Khusainov B. Structural Change in Developed Economies in the Digital Age. In Book «Digital Transformation and the World Economy: Critical Factors and Sector-Focused Mathematical Models». – Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2022, pp. 145–160. (Chapter 8, SCOPUS).
  8. Khusainov B. The Quality of Growth and Digitalization in the Eurasian Integration Countries: An Econometric Analysis // Studies on Russian Economic Development. – Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2022, Vol., 33, Issue 5, pp. 547-554. (Scopus).
  9. Khusainov B. System of Project Management at a Medical Hub as an Instrument for Implementation of Open Innovation // Systems 2023, 11(4),182. pp. 1-23.;
  10. Khusainov B. Digital Solutions for Multimodality in the China-Europe Route. In book: Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Services. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 684, pp. 935-944, 2023.
  11. Khusainov B. Digital Transformation in Russian Transport Companies. In book: Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Services. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 684, pp. 945-954, 2023.
  12. Khusainov B. Inclusive Growth of National Economies and New Energy Paradigm. In Book Global Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Challenges: Models, Regions, Scenarios, Materials and Technologies. Volume 1: Models and Regions, Part II Regions, Chapter 5, P. 25, April 2024.
  13. Khusainov B. Renewable Energy and Barriers to its Growth. In Book Global Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Challenges: Models, Regions, Scenarios, Materials and Technologies. Volume 2: Scenarios, Materials and Technologies, Part III Scenarios, Chapter 12, P. 19, April 2024.

In 2015-2022 he was the head of the projects:                                                                                          – “Global challenges and national economies: threats, risks and development imperatives”, 2015-2017 (Grant of MES RK, № 1276/GF4; MRSTI 06.51.25; state registration № 0115RCK00805); 

– “Eurasian integration: asymmetries and development challenges”, 2015-2017 (Grant of MES RK, № 1275/GF4; MRSTI 06.51.25; state registration № 0115RCK00801); 

– “Eurasian integration: asymmetries and development challenges”, 2015-2017. (Grant of MES RK, № 1275/GF4; MRSTI 06.51.25; state registration № 0115RK00801); 

– “The rate and quality of growth of national economies: determination in the era of neo-globalization”, 2020-2022 (Grant of MES RK, IRN – AP08856289). 


Currently he is the Head of the PCF Program “Development Imperatives of Kazakhstan in Eurasian Integration against the Background of Challenges and Fractures in the World Architectonics”, 2023-2025 (IRN BR21882364).


Order “Kurmet” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.10.2022).

Medal “30 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.12.2021).

Jubilee medal “30 years of diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2022)

Medal named after Nazir Tyuryakulov “Kazakstan Republicasynyң syrtky sayasatyna koskan үlesi ushin” (2020).

Jubilee medal “25 Years of Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2017)

Community Service:

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University “Technoeconimics”, St. Petersburg, Russia, ( August 2022-present

Member of the International Editorial Board of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics “International Trade and Trade Policy”, Moscow, Russia, ( August 2022-present

Member of the editorial board of the Kazakhstani journal “Economics and Statistics”, January 2015 – March 2022

Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal “Living Standards of the Population of Russian Regions”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. ( October 2010-present

Editor-in-Chief, Kazakh Economic Bulletin, December 2008 – December 2019