Nussupova Sholpan Menlibayevna
Academic degree: master
Position: senior lecturer
- 1998 – 2002 yy. I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu state university
- 2013 – 2015 yy. I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu state university
scientific study
- 1. “Organization of cooperation in teaching speaking in English lessons” Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov readings” 2005.
2. “Using games in country studies in English lessons” Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov readings” dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan, 2006.
3. “Development of skills of unprepared speech” Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and information technology” volume 1., Taldykorgan 2007.
4. “Teaching interrogative structures in English lessons” Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Shezhireli Zhetisu” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of G. Ormanov. Taldykorgan 2007
5. “Innovative processes in modern theory and practice in the preparation of future teachers of the English language”, Regional Scientific and Methodological Conference “The introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – the basis of quality education” ZhSU I. Zhansugurov, 2014
6. “Features of teacher training for an innovative culture” Scientific and practical consortium in the field of psychological and social education. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Psychological and social work in modern society: problems and solutions” April 23-24, St. Petersburg, 2015
7. “Preparation of an English teacher for an innovative culture at a university” Scientific pedagogical journal Bulletin “Pedagogical Sciences” Kaz NPU named after Abay, Almaty, 2015
8. “Interactive teaching methods as a means of forming students’ communicative abilities” Abai KazNPU, Nauryz 2019 vestnikkaznpu@mail.ru
9. «Basic foreign language» Manual for the students of speciality «Foreign language : two foreign languages» Оқу құралы,. 2019 ж.
10. «Pragmatic approach to intercultural communication in the English lesson» Colloquium-journal, Pedagogical Science №6,(58) 2020. Czech-4. Warsaw., Poland
11. «Features of professional training of future teachers in the process of project based learning» Science and life 5/3 2020
12. «Theoretical basis of professional training of future educators in the process of project based learning» Abay KazNPU, 2021 http://sp.kaznpu.kz/kz/series/