Registrar's office
Qualitative registration of educational achievements of students on bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs
- Conducting registration of students in academic disciplines,
- Accounting mastered their credits, the organization of interim and final attestation,
- Keeping all the history of educational achievements of students at ZhU named after I Zhansugurov
- Making the academic calendar and monitoring its timely execution;
- Organization and control of the process of registration of teaching staff for the disciplines of the new academic year;
- Organization and conduct of registration of students on bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs for the disciplines of the new academic year;
- Formation of academic streams;
- Organization and conduct of the final and interim examination;
- Monitoring the results of the Quiz, Midterm exam and interim examination;
- Registration of students for the summer semester;
- Providing students with information about prerequisites and post-requisites for their courses;
- Transferring students from course to course;
- Formation of the necessary reporting on the results of interim examination in the MES RK;
- Formation and regular updating of the "Registrar" database;
- Making a schedule of exams for the Quiz and interim examination;
- Development, implementation and maintenance of software processes;
- Building a network of advisory and technical support for RO processes;
- Formation of reports on the results of the intermediate attestations of students at the request of MES RK and the university management;
- Creating a bank of test tasks for all types of control;
- Organization of a test control of knowledge for the Quiz and interim examination;
- Maintain academic records and manage information about accumulated grades and credits;
- Providing students with transcripts.