Tastemirova Almagul Erbolaevna

Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer


  • 1987 – 1992 yy. Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

scientific study

  • The educational system of the USA, Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Methodological manual for 4th year students of the specialty: foreign language and two foreign languages, 2006.
  • Introduction to cross-cultural communication. Methodological guide for 4th year students of the specialty: foreign language and two foreign languages, 2011.
  • Developing students ’reading skills applying contemporary approaches. ZhSU them. I. Zhansugurova, 2016
  • Professional competence as the basis for the success and effectiveness of professional activity. Journal “Modern problems of social and humanitarian sciences”, 2016 (RSCI)
  • Using internet recourses for developing students ’self- educational activity. Journal “Modern problems of social and humanitarian sciences”, 2016 (RSCI).