The work of mentors

Current issues of methodological activity: ensuring the necessary quality of training of specialists in accordance with the state mandatory standard of education, modern conditions of socio – economic development of society and the requirements of the employer, the formation of a high level of readiness for training and professional activity throughout life.

“The study of information and communication technologies of teaching in the best educational conditions and the introduction of the educational process»

Organization of scientific and methodological support of the educational process of the college;
Identification, summing up the results of scientific and methodological, updated work of college teachers;
Working together with the Center for Advanced Training in order to improve the professional competence of college teachers;
Identification of teachers working on modern technologies, generalization of works;
Activation of the “School of Pedagogical Excellence” in the college;
Organization of the scientific and practical conference and career guidance work in order to improve the quality of education in the college, promotion of preparatory specialties.


Methodological topic of the PCC:
Ensuring the necessary quality of training of specialists in accordance with the current conditions of socio-economic development of the society and the requirements of the employer. Improving business competencies and professional qualifications of teachers with the use of updated educational technologies.

The purpose of the PCC: Development of tactical and strategic goals of the activity of the teaching staff of the PCC ,coordination of activities in this direction

Tasks of the PCC: Improvement and comprehensive educational and methodological support of disciplines and specialties

Implementation of pedagogical, information and communication technologies in education;

Continuous implementation and application of updated education methods in the educational process;

Combining scientific research with the educational process, drawing up methodological guidelines.


List of young professionals

Young specialistMentor
Kalibaeva A.S the teacher of physics  Bayrbayeva B.S  the teacher of history
Beisembaeva A.O  the teacher of  preschool educationIsmailova A.T  the teacher of  preschool education
Serikova G.S  the teacher of  chemistryZharkenova A.Zh the teacher of biology
Fleishaver A.V  the teacher of   foreign languageKorabaeva M.S  the teacher of   foreign language
Tassymbekova A.T  the teacher of  foreign languageKorabaeva M.S  the teacher of   foreign language
Zhapash E.E  the teacher of physical educationAliev M.K  the teacher of physical education