Turysbekova Asem Erikovna
Academic degree: candidate of Philological science
Лауазымы: senior lecture
Information about higher education:
institution: Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov
Specialty: Kazah language and literature
Year of completion: 2006-2010
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature
Information about the academic degree:
Academic degree: candidate of philological Sciences
Specialty: 10.02.02-Kazakh literature
Assignment year: 2011
Scientific study
– Ideological approach in the allegorical genre: “Science, knowledge, innovation are important factors for the implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”. International scientific and practical conference. 2015 October 23-24. 294-296 p.
– A manifestation of Kazakh mentality in dialogue, “Urker”, “Ele – ELA”, A. kekilbaev. “Knowledge-science-and innovation:” integration processes and innovations ” international scientific and practical conference 2016 p. 231-236
– MAIN DIRECTIONS OF the LANGUAGE POLICY OF the EUROPEAN UNION AND KAZAKHSTANJournal of Language and Literature, ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol. 7. No. 3. 15 August, 2016
– Displaying the national mentality in the novels of A. Kekilbayev. On PRK series of social Sciences and Humanities. March-April. 2016 p. 359-364
– Respect for the art and the contradictions of the national character in the novel “Krumen of Keskin Mr”. Bulletin of Kokshetau state University.Sh. Ualikhanov. pp. 267-276
– National mentality of the Kazakh literature. Bulletin of ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov. No. 1 / 2015 p. 249-254