Ualieva Saule Aitkalievna
Academic degree: master
Position: senior lecturer
- 1992 – 1997 yy. Kazakh Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages
- 2015 – 2017 yy. Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university
scientific study
- “Etistin universaldy sipaty” // In the world of education – In the world of EDUCATION.-№5 -Almati, 2015.
- “The role of socio-cultural competence in the process of intercultural competence” // Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay – Scientific-methodical magazine “Khabarshy” – №4 (52). -Almaty, 2016.
- “Some aspects of the concept of linguistic competence” // International scientific-practical conference “Trilingual education as a basis for the formation of multicultural personality”, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Ab. – Almaty, 2016.
«The problems of translation of phraseologies of time, space and measure from kazakh into english» Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Pedagogy and Psychology- Scientific-Methodical Journal (VAK) №4 (41) 2019.12.02-14.02. 2020 Tokyo, Japan
“Spiritual harmony of great poets in translation” (Abay Kunanbayev, M. Lermontov, V. Goethe) …. Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference Quality Management: Search and Solutions “SECTION V5.
- «The role of the foreign language» Scientific-practical magazine «Notes of a scientist» Rostov-on-Don (RINC) №2 / 2021