Yessenbek Zhumagali Beisenbaiuly

Degree: doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Position: Dean of the Faculty of Humanities



Institution: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi

Specialty: 5В090840 – public relations

Graduation year: 2005

Qualifications: Bachelor of public relations

Information about the academic degree:

Institution: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi

Specialty: 6М050400 – Journalism

Graduation year:  2007 г.

Qualifications: Master of Journalism

Institution: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi

Specialty: 6D050400 – Journalism

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Year assignments: 2014 г.

Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Journalism


  • Jubilee medal in honor of the 75 – anniversary of the Kazakh National University named-after al-Farabi.
  • Jubilee medal in honor of the 80 – anniversary of the Kazakh National Universitynamed-after Al-Farabi.
  • «The Best Young Scientist –2015».
  • Rector’s Letter of gratitude (2016).

Scientific works

  1. «Marketing and PR: similarities and differences» PR and media
    in Kazakhstan, collection of scientific papers, Almaty (2006).
  2. «The problems of development of the domestic brand in the political arena», Bulletin of the KazNU. Journalism series. №1 (20) (2006).
  3. «PR activities and media relations in the corporation «Alliance Bank», «Actual problems of operation of the press-services and PR-structures
    of government and commercial organizations in Kazakhstan» materials
    of scientific-practical conference, Almaty (2011).
  4. «The history and the role of PR in the United States of America, scientific- analytical journal»,«Қoғaмжәнедәуір» №4, Almaty (2012).
  5. «PR-service on basis ofBTA Bank», Bulletin of the KazNU. Journalisms №2 (32) (2012).
  6. «Public Relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan», Bulletin of the KazNU. Philology series №1-2 (141-142) (2013).
  7. «Functions of press services and press-secretary in the public relations», Bulletin of the KazNU. Philology s № 1-2 (141-142) (2013).
  8. «PR activities in the Republic of Turkey», Bulletin of the KazNU. Journalism s № 1 (33)  (2013).
  9. «The main directions of activities in the Finance area», Materials of IX international scientific-practical conference «EUROPEJSKA NAUKA XXI POWIEKA  2013», Poland (2013).
  10. «A comparative research PR activity of the Republic of Turkey and Kazakhstan», «Middle East Journal of Scientific Research».Sсopus (2013).
  11. «Comparative analysis of the PR activities of the United States of America and Kazakhstan», Materials of the IX International scientific-practical conference «DNY VEDY2013», Prague (2013).
  12. «The use of PR-technologies in the elections Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan», Materials of the IX International scientific- practical conference «Novinata for Neprednali Science  2013», Sofia (2013).
  13. «PR activity and the practice of PR-technologies in the political parties in the Republic of Turkey», Materials of the international scientific-practical conference «The role of PR in the development of Kazakhstan science and education», Almaty (2013).
  14. «Advantages of PR in tourism of Turkey», Bulletin of the KazNU. Journalism s 2 (36) (2014).
  15. «Features of PR-technologies: International exhibition «EXPO-2017», Bulletin of KazNPU. Philology series. №4 (50) (2014).
  16. «The theoretical and methodological problems of PR», Bulletin of KazNU. Journalism series. № 1/1(37) (2015).
  17. «The participation of employers in the preparation of vocational training programs in the training of qualified specialists», Materials of the 45th Scientific conference «Integration of education, science and business as the basis innovation development of economy», Almaty (2015).
  18. «Media coverage of the threats and challenges that affect children», Materials of the international XII scientific-practical conference «APLIKOVANE VEDECKE NOVINKY – 2016». Prague (2016).
  19. «Counteraction on the child’s mind gambling and computer games, television and animated cartoons», Materials of the international XII scientific-practical conference «PROSPECTS OF WORLD SCIENCE – 2016». England (2016).
  20. «PR-activity of the banking sector in Turkey», Bulletin of the Journalism series. №1 (39) (2016).