СhPK СhBK On November 22, 2022, the Higher School of Natural Sciences held an Olympiad in chemistry among students of the educational program 6B01506 – “chemistry”, 6B01507 – “Chemistry-Biology”. 4 teams took part in the Olympiad: students of groups СhK -111 – “Beketov”, СhPK -211 – “Sirius”, СhBK -211- “Almaz”, СhBK -311 – “Krebs”. The knowledge and skills of students who took part in the Olympiad, which consisted of theoretical and experimental rounds, were evaluated by a jury headed by the head of the educational program in the Natural Science direction, Ph. D., B. K. Oksikbayev.

According to the results of the competition, the first place was taken by the group “Almaz” (СhBK 211 group). The second place was taken by the team “Beketov” (group СhK 111). The third place was taken by the teams “Krebs” (Group СhBK -311). Among the teams, Niyazbekova Ansagan and Abibullayev Zhakhanger, who received the Nomination “Best experimenter”, and the best chemist, The Scientist Mereke, were distinguished by the students of the СhK -111 group. The winners were awarded with special diplomas and certificates.