Educational program6В02101 Design
EP purpose Training of highly professional personnel in the field of design, aimed at practice-oriented training to achieve fundamental subject knowledge and a general integrated methodology of professional activity of the designer, the development of creative qualities and needs for self-educational activities
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study5
Volume of the credits300
Language of educationKazakh, russian
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardDeveloped on the basis of the NRC and ORC, as well as taking into account the proposals of employers
                               Learning outcomes:
1Shows an active civic position in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment based on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, psychological sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan’s society;
2Has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to understanding public socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, and environmental environment;
3He has knowledge in the field of history and design theory, skills in collecting and managing information, and is able to carry out comprehensive monitoring based on diagnostics;
4Can use traditional and combined image techniques in accordance with the creative plan; know the general laws and methods of creating images and images in various types and genres of art using traditional and modern techniques, materials and tools; master graphic and decorative-applied techniques, needlework techniques;
5Knows the basics of color science, master various painting techniques;
6Master the techniques of sketching and demonstration images of objects, objects and the environment in closed and open spaces, the skills of color and light transmission of states, moods, as well as the appearance (color and texture of materials) of the designed objects; know the basic theories and methods of shaping, the laws of visual perception of images, volumes, spaces;
7knows the main prerequisites, goals, tasks in the main design specializations; master the basic techniques of professional activity (measurements, cutting, drawings of models and models of objects), as well as ways to solve design problems and methods of images on the plane. Knows the basics of sewing production, materials science, machine science, design basics, the basics of design art; owns computer graphics programs CorelDRAW, PhotoShop, 3DStudio;
8Knows the sequence of operations and design stages; be able to independently conduct pre-project research, set a project goal, formulate tasks and determine ways to achieve them;
9Knows the main ways and means of creating planar, three-dimensional and spatial compositions;
10Understands the role of compositional techniques in the design process, be able to use compositional tools to create an expressive artistic appearance of products and objects; possess compositional tools and techniques for modeling planar, three-dimensional and spatial forms;
11He knows the laws of the work of structures, techniques for ensuring their stability and reliability in operation, ways of creating forms with different materials and structures, the interdependence of design and manufacturing technology and construction of design objects.
12Evaluate the result obtained; present project proposals in a professional form in accordance with regulatory requirements and standards.