Educational program6B03201 Journalism
EP purpose Training of comprehensively educated, competitive, specialized personnel with fundamental, scientific and theoretical foundations of training in the field of journalism, as well as specialists who are able to develop and implement professional skills, the development of students ‘ personal qualities, the formation of cultural and professional competencies that would provide an opportunity for the fastest possible employment in the specialty, as well as focus on meeting the needs of not only the Almaty region, but also the whole Republic in journalistic personnel. The field of journalism today includes a wide range of activities. In this regard, the society needs to assist the state in the formation of public consciousness, the development of information strategies, support the principles of freedom of speech and the foundations of a democratic society in Kazakhstan, the organization of public relations on an international scale.
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, kazakh, english
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardNewspaper publishing. Publication of magazines and periodicals; Creation and broadcasting of television programs; News processing activities in the mass media
                               Learning outcomes:
1Has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to the understanding of social phenomena and processes in the legal, entrepreneurial, industrial, environmental environment;
2Defines professional competence in the field of journalism through fundamental knowledge of the basic and core disciplines of the specialty, helps to improve the rating of the media through management activities. Selects advertising materials about business or other organizations for publication in the press, radio, television and other media. Integrates knowledge about the specifics of the main stages of media development and assesses the relationship with social and political life;
3Evaluates and describes innovative approaches to the understanding of social phenomena and processes in the media, reviews the analysis and verifies the reliability of news and other documents. Selects the materials to publish, checks the style, grammar, accuracy and legality of the content, and agrees on all necessary edits;
4Prepares reports and commentaries on news and current events for publication in Newspapers and periodicals or for broadcast on radio, television or the internet. Applies links to production personnel to check the last proofreading before printing;
5Prepares interviews with politicians and other public figures at press conferences or other events, including individual interviews recorded for radio, television or online publications. Assesses the current state of the media in Kazakhstan and other countries, the economic, political and social problems of Kazakhstan.
6analyzes the performance of tasks in accordance with the specified standards, successfully operates on the basis of practical experience, application of skills and knowledge in solving professional problems. Explains the theory and methodology of journalism, media law, the process of development of media genres, current problems of journalism.
7Draws conclusions about the methods of educational and social communication, skills of creating journalistic text, conducts research and reports on developments in specialized areas. Distinguishes between the basic theories of mass communication, economic problems of the media, aspects of national culture in journalism.
8Studies the writing of editorial articles and the preparation of comments on topical issues to attract public interest and Express opinions about the publication or broadcast material. Analyzes materials for publication, distinguishes styles, grammatical features, the accuracy of and legitimacy content. Compares local, national and international news through interviews, investigations and observations, revises public events, films and stage performances;
9Summarizes the identification on the basis of emerging trends in the development of socio-political, socio-economic processes of knowledge, current problems, commenting on the situation. Reformulates journalistic texts, information, journalistic materials.Revising beliefs and the means of argumentation of the decisions correct and logical registration of the thoughts in oral and written form;
10Evaluates critical reviews of literary, musical, and other works of art based on its knowledge, judgments, and experience for Newspapers, television, radio, and other media. He criticizes the working process and objectively assesses its results, confirms his responsibility for professional decisions. Defines the position of the journalist in interpersonal and intercultural communication in the environment on the basis of fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of journalism, social, political, cultural, psychological Sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan society;
11Determines the level of theoretical training to analyze the potential of the editorial media, as well as the socio-economic situation in the country or region. Creates knowledge ratings based on information and educational technologies, information search and critical solutions. Confirms professional and personal experience.