Educational program6B04103 Management
EP purpose training of competitive specialists in the field of management on the basis of modern educational programs and technologies for the implementation of innovative professional and practical activities in various industries and fields of activity.
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardGeneral human resources Management; Financial management;         Risk management.
                               Learning outcomes:
1He knows how to assess and apply innovative approaches to understanding socially significant social phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, and environmental environment
2Knows information technology and has information management skills
3Knows the legal framework and principles of business organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan
4Understands how to use theoretical knowledge in practical activities, is able to apply modern scientific methods of knowledge and is able to organize work on a scientific basis, using knowledge of economics
5Understands how to choose effective forms of organization and management of the enterprise, taking into account their specifics and specific conditions of activity
6He is able to use domestic and foreign experience in the field of economics, marketing and management
7Uses social interaction skills and is able to plan and manage time efficiently
8Knows how to define goals and objectives in professional activities
9Can develop business plans and manage projects
10Evaluates the achieved results of the company’s activities and conducts a comparative analysis
11Assesses the changing economic conditions of enterprises and makes management decisions