Educational program 7M01902 Special pedagogy
EP purpose  to train competitive highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of special and inclusive education, with key and special competences and a high level of readiness for the implementation of basic professional functions
EP typeNew EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English 
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Профессиональный стандарт 
                               Learning outcomes:
1possesses ways of supplementing professional knowledge through the use of original sources, including in a foreign language, from different areas of general and professional culture; carries out business foreign language communication within the framework of professional activity; uses modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages
2uses the basic structural and functional knowledge, techniques and methods of cognition, the methodology of scientific knowledge in solving its immediate research problems
3applies the theory and methodology of education and training of children with special educational needs in professional activities, owns the technology of psychological and pedagogical support and support of subjects of the educational process
4possesses a methodology for developing the content of special school learning and education and applies modern teaching technologies based on best practices in special and inclusive education
5plans and organizes interactions between participants in the educational process, is able to lead a team of specialists, developing a team strategy to ensure the individualization of education for children with special educational needs
6analyzes the conditions and features of managerial activity in the education system, the psychological laws of communication and takes into account in professional activities
7carries out diagnostic, analytical and design activities within the unified management system of an educational institution
8analyses the stages of development of special and inclusive education, special and inclusive education policies, laws and regulations governing special and inclusive education in Kazakhstan and abroad
9ensures the process of socialization of a student with special educational needs, assesses and resolves emerging problems in professional activity from the point of view of ethical norms, humanization and differentiation of special education
10independently updates knowledge, expands professional skills and abilities to improve scientific and pedagogical activities, possesses skills of abstract thinking, scientific analysis and synthesis
11evaluates social phenomena, events, problems, unfamiliar situations and chooses the best methods for diagnosing and monitoring processes in relation to the educational sphere of life activities of students
12carries out the development, adaptation, implementation of educational programs, creates a barrier-free educational environment, taking into account the special educational needs of students, shows tolerance to the individual characteristics of children