Educational program7M04101 Economics
Цель ОПTo provide training of qualified specialists of economic profile, demanded by modern enterprises and market structures that can constructively influence the nature and direction of development of scientific and pedagogical sphere of activity, possessing the skills of organizational work and management
EP purpose Acting EP
EP type7
Level on NQF7
Level on SQFNo
EP distinctive featuresMaster
The awarded academic degree2
Period of study120
Volume of the creditsRussian, kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
                               Learning outcomes:
1Shows knowledge gained at the level of higher professional education, which is the basis or opportunity for the original development or application of ideas, often in the context of research
2Uses special methods of economic analysis of production and economic activity of the enterprise
3Develops analytical skills to diagnose, evaluate, solve problems and find business opportunities
4Summarizes the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note, etc
5Analyzes the methods of technical and economic analysis, to justify the decisions taken and implemented in the field of Economics
6Predicts the consequences of decisions made by individual market entities in the economic and social development of the population
7Analyzes and evaluates projects and programs and controls the process of their implementation on the basis of modern Kazakhstan and foreign standards in the field of project management
8Integrates the knowledge gained in the study of the disciplines of international importance for the solution of research tasks in the new environment of uncertainty