Educational program                       8D01504 Informatics
EP purpose Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel possessing professional and research skills and competences of their implementation in practical and scientific activities to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of informatics
EP typeNew EP
Level on NQF8
Level on SQF8
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeDoctorate
Period of study3
Volume of the credits180
Language of educationEnglish
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standard 
                               Learning outcomes:
1Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastery in the skills and methods of research
2To apply the results of research works when writing scientific publications of national and international level, taking into account global trends and strategies for the development of higher education
3Master the methods of organizing scientific research, theoretical methods in solving applied and fundamental problems
4Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new approaches to informatization of education
5Conduct experiments and process measurement results
6Develop mathematical models of objects with an implementation algorithm, methods of their research, perform their comparative analysis
7Provide arguments for conducting research in the field of education
8To contribute their own original research to the development of science in the field of computer science
9To develop a modern information and educational environment for the development and implementation of advanced digital technologies
10Create digital educational resources, design and control the educational process to improve the effectiveness of computer science teaching