Educational program                       8D01505 Geography
EP purpose Training of competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel with deep fundamental knowledge in the field of geographical education, capable of solving complex tasks in professional activity
EP typeNew EP
Level on NQF8
Level on SQF8
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeDoctorate
Period of study3
Volume of the credits180
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardPedagog
                               Learning outcomes:
1to demonstrate a systematic understanding of geography education, skills and research methods, adherence to professional ethics and academic integrity
2to apply the results of research works when writing scientific publications of national and international level, taking into account global trends and strategies for the development of higher education
3to introduce the results of scientific research and geographical modeling into the educational process
4to perform spatial information processing, mapping and data analysis using modern GIS
5to manage scientific projects in the field of geography education, organizing team activities
6to project the organization of the global natural and socio-economic space using modern GIS technologies
7to model and implement the educational and upbringing process of the university for successful interaction
8to develop scientific projects in the field of geography and education using modern research and modeling methods