Imperatives of development of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian integration amid challenges and ruptures in the world architectonics

      The purpose of the program a comprehensive study of the problem of sustainable socio-economic development of New Kazakhstan in the context of Eurasian integration and external challenges.


       – critical analysis of the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan and its regions within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as its participation in other economic, political, military alliances, SCO, CSTO, etc.;

       – econometric modeling of Kazakhstan’s foreign economic relations and assessment of the impact of external influences on its economy (pandemic, sanctions);

       – study of the impact of the costs of technological innovation, R&D, education, healthcare and other factors on the economic growth of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their flows between the regions of the country and the regions of neighboring countries using the panel data model;

       – identification of the main factors for improving the competitiveness of countries exporting hydrocarbons and importing countries, taking into account the global trend of abandoning fossil energy sources;

        analysis of the factors of attracting foreign direct investment in the economy of Kazakhstan in the conditions of Eurasian integration;

       – study of the consequences of changes in the share of oil revenue accumulation and energy conservation policy for the country’s macroeconomic indicators based on the general dynamic stochastic equilibrium model, DSGE;

       – analysis of the state and prospects of food and economic security of Kazakhstan using time series models;

       – analysis of disproportions in the development of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, inequality, poverty and its extreme forms, causing discontent and protest phenomena in society;

       – assessment of transit potential and cross-border trade of Kazakhstan under the new pan-Eurasian transport system.

       In addition to the scientific and technical task, it is planned to solve the following objectives:

       – quantitative assessment on the basis of input-output models and qualitative analysis of Kazakhstan’s participation in value chains in the main types of economic activities with EAEU member countries;

       – identification of trade and economic potential and promotion of Kazakhstan’s national interests in competing non-aligned markets and determination of prospects for EAEU cooperation with other regional associations.

       The idea of the project is to identify the imperatives of the development of Kazakhstan in Eurasian integration, pairing with other regional associations and identifying new driving forces for expanding trade and economic potential and promoting national interests in competing non-aligned markets against the backdrop of challenges and fractures in the global architectonics.

       Expected results

       The implementation of the program will contribute to increasing the sustainability of Kazakhstan’s socio-economic development in the Eurasian integration against the background of global tectonic faults and challenges.

       In accordance with the terms of reference, the following results will be achieved:

       A critical analysis of the state, prospects and challenges for Kazakhstan within the EAEU and its participation in other political, economic and military associations will be presented.

       On the basis of econometric modeling of Kazakhstan’s relations with other countries, calculations will be performed and estimates of external impacts on the country’s macroeconomic indicators will be obtained at different levels of the rate of accumulation of oil revenues.

       The main factors of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to the EAEU countries, and in particular to Kazakhstan, will be identified; the impact of FDI and the costs of technological innovation, R&D, education, health care on the economic growth of Kazakhstan’s regions as factors of eliminating imbalances in the development of the country’s regions, reducing inequality and poverty will be assessed.

       In the context of the global trend of transition to alternative energy sources, the main factors of increasing the global competitiveness of hydrocarbon exporting countries will be identified on the basis of econometric calculations.

       Quantitative assessments of the state and prospects of food and economic security of Kazakhstan, its transit potential and cross-border trade along the new pan-Eurasian highway will be obtained.

       In accordance with the additional tasks to the scientific and technical task, it is planned to obtain the following results:

       Based on the input-output model, an assessment and analysis of Kazakhstan’s participation in value chains for the main types of economic activity with the EAEU member countries will be carried out.

       The potential for promoting Kazakhstan’s national interests in competing non-block markets will be identified, as well as prospects for trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU and other regional associations.

       Following the results of the implementation of the scientific and (or) scientific and technical program, the following number of publications should be published:

       1) at least 5 (five) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five).

       2) at least 7 (seven) articles in journals recommended by the CQAFSHE.

       3) at least 2 (two) monographs or textbooks in foreign and (or) Kazakh publishing houses;

       4) receipt of 7 (seven) documents – Certificates of copyright for an intellectual property object entered in the State register of the Republic of Kazakhstan.