It has long been a tradition for teachers of the Russian language and Literature of the Faculty of  Humanities to hold various creative competitions and festivals in honor of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan.

On September 23, 2021, the next intellectual tournament of Russian language experts “Only the word is given life” was held on the Google meet platform. The organizers of the competition are teachers of the educational program for the training of philologists, Master Abaideldanova Meruyert Kebekovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences  Seralieva Naila Zhumagalievna and Candidate of Philological Sciences Chsherbovskikh Irina Gennadievna.

The main characters of the meeting were, of course, first-year students who nominated two teams that fought for the title of experts in the Russian language. It is particularly necessary to note the performances of the contest hosts Vargentina Alyona and Suleimenova Yerkezhan. The organizers of the holiday didn’t forget about the certificates of honor for the winners of the art reading contest.

Despite the fact that this academic year the tournament was held online, the meeting was held, as usual, in a lively creative atmosphere. The first-year students not only showed off their erudition, knowledge in the field of language theory and the talents of reciters, but also were able to get acquainted with senior students who acted as the hosts of the competition (3rd year), and as part of the jury (4th year), and as spectators and fans (2nd year). Undergraduates have prepared interesting questions and tasks.

The guests and participants of the meeting are inspired by the talents and energy of the first-year students. After the end of the intellectual and creative competition of the teams, the participants did not leave the meeting hall for a long time and shared their impressions, emotions and recited their favorite poems!..