Abishev Nurlan

Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: Professor


Educational institution: Ust-Kamenogorsk State Pedagogical Institute

Specialty:Physical Culture

Year of graduation: 1970

Qualification: Physical Education teacher

Information about the academic degree:

Topic of the doctoral dissertation: Scientific bases of interaction of pedagogical collectives of schools of innovative type and management bodies of education in reforming of modern school of Kazakhstan 2001

Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: Management of creative activity of the teaching staff of secondary school 1992


1. The credit system of education as a factor in the development of higher education.- Almaty, Scientific monthly magazine “Young Scientist”, 2015. – No. 6

2.Credit system of education as a factor in the development of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Scientific monthly magazine “Young Scientist”. No. 6. 2015

3.The theory of knowledge as a methodological beginning of the theory of learning in higher education Psychology and pedagogy alimini tearily-methodologial of. gylym seminar-Taldykorgan, 2015. – 14-22 b.

4. Theory of higher school education: reality or myth / / Materials of the regional scientific and methodological conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process-the basis of quality education” – Taldykorgan, 2016.

5. Structure of the Master’s thesis: formality or indirect perspective of scientific research // Materials of the International scientific method. conferences ” Innov. the potential of science and education in Kazakhstan in the context of modern challenges and globalization of society”.- Taldykorgan, 2016.

6. Competence as a generalized characteristic of personnel professionalism Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Priorities of modern science: from theory to practice”. – Taldykorgan, October 27-28, 2017

7. Integration processes in the world educational space /Materials of the regional scientific and methodological conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process-the basis of quality education”.- Taldykorgan, 2018.

8. Scientific and methodological costs in the process of implementing the Concept of 12-year education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Astana: Science and Life of Kazakhstan, 2019. – No. 1 (74)

9. Integration processes in the global educational space. – Astana: Science and Life of Kazakhstan, 2019.- №1 (74).

10. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of spiritual values of students through teaching modern history of Kazakhstan. Sat. nauch.proceedings on the materials of the intern.nkuch-practical. Conferences. Mnic “Neurosphere” – Smolensk, 2019.

11. Conditions for the implementation of integration processes in the educational space International scientific electronic Journal “scientific evolution” No. 4 (4) July 2020.