Baigabatova Nazgul

Degree: Сandidate of historical sciences

Servise: acting associate professor


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 1994, history. Сandidate of historical sciences, no. 9 of 10.09.2004, gk no. 0011604


1. Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “(2010, 2019)

2. Letter of thanks of the APK, Certificate of Honor of the APK (2015), jubilee medal “20 years of the APK of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2015)

3.By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2020, Baigabatova N. K. was awarded the jubilee medal “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan 25 years”.

scientific works

  1. Одна страна – одна судьба: из истории формирования полиэтничного состава населения Жетысу (очерки). – Талдыкорган: Издательский отдел библиотечно-информационного центра, 2015. – 362 с. (А.Е. Бектургановым, Г.М. Искаковой)
  2. Н.К. Байгабатова, А.Толамисов, С.Рахипова, Д. Ашимова, О.Хуанган. Этнокультурная идентичность диаспоры: представления и практики (на примере казахов Монголии и Китая). Талдықорған:ИП «Дизайн-ОТ», 2020. – 182 с.