December 16 Independence Day Of The Republic of Kazakhstan

Еліміз үшін елеулі, мемлекетіміз үшін айшықты, қасиетті күндердің бірі де, бірегейі – 16 желтоқсан Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күніне орай Дене шынықтыру және өнер факультеті «ТӘУЕЛСІЗДІК – ТҰҒЫРЫМ» атты акция апталығында «ЖЕЛТОҚСАН РУХЫ – ТӘУЕЛСІЗДІК ТҰҒЫРЫ» тақырыбында іс – шара өткізді.

“Сauses and consequences of corruption”

On December 12, 2024, an open lesson on the topic “causes and consequences of corruption” was held under the guidance of teachers-lecturers of the Faculty of Physical Culture and art Berik Bektursynovich Sarsenbayev and Mergenbay Ramazanovich Ozenbayev. The open lesson was attended by the teaching staff of the University and the Anti-Corruption Department of the …

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“Сlean session”

On December 11,2024,the Faculty of Physical Culture and art with groups ДШҚ 411,412,321, the curator of the Group E. Duzzhasarov held a seminar during the action “clean session”.The purpose of the seminar is to instill in students a conscious attitude to honesty and fairness and explain the importance of following the rules during the exam.

“Сlean session”

On 10.12.2024 at 12: 00,The Teacher-Lecturer, curator of the group of the Faculty of Physical Culture and art,the Department of Creative Education S. Ongarbayeva held an educational hour on the topic “clean session” with students of the group of the specialty “music education” 111, “music education” 311.Purpose: the exam session is the most responsible period …

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“Сlean session”

On December 9, 2024, with groups 315,313,314,322,317 of the ДШҚ of the Faculty of Physical Culture and art, the curator of the Group B. Sarsenbayev held a seminar during the action “clean session”.The purpose of the seminar is the formation of an active civic position and an absolute intolerance to corruption manifestations of legal consciousness.