Zhansugurov college

Speaker: founder of the school of robotics and programming “Future-IT” (CEO), winner of the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan – 2021”, winner of the award of Akim of Almaty region “Best young entrepreneur – 2020” – Nurkezhanov Damir

Speaker: founder of the school of robotics and programming “Future-IT” (CEO), winner of the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan – 2021”, winner of the award of Akim of Almaty region “Best young entrepreneur – 2020” – Nurkezhanov Damir  Who can participate: young people under 35, schoolchildren and students, startups, young entrepreneurs

The teacher of economic disciplines “Zhansugurov college” Sultanov A. A. held an open lesson with students of the 125 PD group on the topic “Tax policy and its role in the implementation of the economic policy of the state”.

The teacher of economic disciplines “Zhansugurov college” Sultanov A. A. held an open lesson with students of the 125 PD group on the topic “Tax policy and its role in the implementation of the economic policy of the state”. In their lesson, using the “Envelope of Terms” technique, students were divided into 2 groups. Students …

The teacher of economic disciplines “Zhansugurov college” Sultanov A. A. held an open lesson with students of the 125 PD group on the topic “Tax policy and its role in the implementation of the economic policy of the state”. Read More »

Biology teacher of “Zhansugurov college” Maksutkhanova Yrysgul Valikhanovna held an open lesson with students of group 205 on the topic “muscle building.

Biology teacher of “Zhansugurov college” Maksutkhanova Yrysgul Valikhanovna held an open lesson with students of group 205 on the topic “muscle building. Muscle fatigue.” In his class, Yrysgul Valikhanovna effectively used such methods as “Envelope with terms”, “Exercise Mix”, “Get a gift!”. Students studied the subject with interest and were active.

From November 03 to 05, 2021, the regional educational and methodological center for the development of education of the state institution “Department of Education of the Almaty region” in order to study the works of A. Seidimbek and exchange experience held a webinar “The reality of life in the works of art of Axeleu Seidimbek” with the participation of teachers of technical and vocational education organizations.

From November 03 to 05, 2021, the regional educational and methodological center for the development of education of the state institution “Department of Education of the Almaty region” in order to study the works of A. Seidimbek and exchange experience held a webinar “The reality of life in the works of art of Axeleu Seidimbek” …

From November 03 to 05, 2021, the regional educational and methodological center for the development of education of the state institution “Department of Education of the Almaty region” in order to study the works of A. Seidimbek and exchange experience held a webinar “The reality of life in the works of art of Axeleu Seidimbek” with the participation of teachers of technical and vocational education organizations. Read More »